Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 13)

Do you live near DC? Otherwise that doesn’t make one bit of sense. Wtf

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Lmfao!!! So either they are the complete idiots I always thought they were… or… they really like :strawberry: at this point “i.r.s.” stands for “I’m really stupid” :laughing: funny shit!!


You owe taxes on your illegal shipment :joy:


That’s almost as good as one of the collector cards by @DougDawson. Grow some out, taxmans Sour strawberry lol


Not illegal! No THC!! :scream: :astonished:


I get a wierd tingle when I look at this picture my mind is blown :boom::anguished:keep that letter for science


Funny story. When I was getting into making my own moonshine I bought a little gallon table top distiller. A couple years later I get a letter in the mail from the FDA or dea (can’t remember now) that let me know that they knew I had purchased this product and it was illegal to make shine. Little do they know now I have a 25g keg to make it in.


That’s what I’m saying @Rogue I wouldn’t put it past them!

That’s cool bet if they knew what they were they wouldn’t of forwarded them on. Lol

Or, you know… they’re simply NICE PEOPLE.


Sounds hokey but try a gypsum flush, in short it can help reset the soil and get it balanced again.
Good luck


Lmfao :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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@Greenfingers Thank you so much amigo! Very generous and unexpected bonus with the Molokai Frost seeds!! Feeling grateful to be growing and a member of this community. Time to crack some seeds :slight_smile:



Realy :upside_down_face: wohoo thanks a lot :partying_face: :pray:

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Just a quick question how many forever stamps from us to Europe? 2

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3 stamps. Global is 1.30 and stamps are .60 the overage also covers the non-machinable surcharge of .30

At least last time I checked.


Rates will change in Jan 2023. Check the usps site for most up to date info.

Right now, what @joheimgrohen said is correct.


I’m in for jack here beans thanks @DougDawson thanks you very much…you all are awesome, OG… :heart_eyes:

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So your saying buy your forever stamps now😂


Hey OG. I’m here with another random Sunday seed giveaway. The prize will be these six seeds…

This is open to the universe (incase any aliens are eavesdropping) but would mention I’m in Canada and that I only have these. If you win but the bad men at your boarders steal these, I can’t re send more.

Do not answer the question here, it must be DMed to me. After one hr, at 3 pm Eastern, I’ll compile a list of correct answers, and use a number generator to pick the winner.

I love The Wall by Pink Floyd. I think it’s an example of music being art. Roger Waters wrote a real masterpiece with that one. During my shower this morning I listened to (and sang, much to the amusement of Mrs Budder) my favorite section of the album, wich gets too the crux of the whole thing. The part I listened to starts with the line
'Day after Day" accompanied by an organ and the part ends abruptly, almost cutting off the word “goodbye” My question is this… What tracks from Pink Floyds The Wall did I listen to today?

Again don’t answer here. DM me the answer and at 3 pm Eastern, I’ll make a list of the correct answerers, if there’s more then just @BigMike55 ,
and use a number generator to pick a winner. Now everyone go crank The Wall and we’ll see you soon!:grin::peace_symbol::canada: