Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 13)

I don’t recall conversing with, and cannot find any personal DM’s with, @US3RNAM3, but I have received some mystery seeds labelled OG Zen Giveaway.
Thanks. I will forward to the person who passed their win on to me.


That’s the same person I received my BC Big Bud x Kryptonite from! Who is this person??

Edit: I also have zero correspondence with this person and didn’t even think that @US3RNAM3 was a person on the forum…


oh well… it’s all good.


Now I’m doubting that what I received is actually BC Big Bud x Kryptonite…


The only person I’ve corresponded with and not received anything from is @DrGonzo13 . Maybe it’s him?


mine came from Westchester, New York. Dr.G claims to be from Colorado, although… ???


Odd, I would never ask for, nor pass my address to receive, random seeds


i think dr gonzo actually had some issues with that address, the package was already open or got seized if im not mistaken.

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ill try to find the post

That’s the thing. I only dibs on seeds I want. Never did I dib on BC Big Bud x Kryptonite. (Not that I don’t want it, but I never saw it offered).

The envelope I received was from a CT return address.

This is really strange.


this was the post

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Nope it’s not from me and for those who are awaiting trades from me I am first gonna apologize for the lack of communication and it’s been absolute struggle since I lost my Dad almost a month ago and I have no excuses for you all but I want to let you all know that I’m getting them out started this week so if you’re awaiting a trade from me and you can give me a chance to make it right I also have all seeds owed and take it as u want to but I am just trying to start to get everything n everyone squared away sorry for the long delay unfortunately I understand if you all don’t have any faith in me I will just have to regain my status and prove it through action and sending beans HONESTLY I truly apologize to you all and thanks for being there for support but I needed to get a chance to put this message out there this is a special place and I have realized that so I hope you all have a good day and I will be in touch with you all…u all deserve honesty and respect so that’s all


Ok, that’s the same with me.

So now the question is who is this person and how did they get my name/address??


Hey, I appreciate it. I understand you’re going through a hard time, and only brought you up as I was wondering if the beans I had received were from you.


No worries I planned on writing this no matter what so I’ve already been able to send 7 out today so I will let you know but I also will be doing Growing and test growing and I’m doing it in honor of my Dad and I need to honor my commitments to u all who’ve traded The Doc


Condolences for your loss @DrGonzo13


You are always 110% communicative with me, Dr. G., and I pay attention to your posts so I know what you have been going through… at least what you have shared… There are always those who will need to be negative Nancy’s when someone doesn’t fulfill their expectations, as we can see was hinted at here-- even if it is just over some free seeds, dont fret over their psycho babble. I respect your endless good vibes and wish you the best in these hard times. :v:


Well, I sent a message to us3rnam3. I want to get to the bottom of this. I’m more worried about someone I didn’t send my address to somehow having my info!


That is legitimately concerning.


That is my only concern.