Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 7)

actually really glad they made it man, i was worried the whole time i didnt have enough postage!

good vibes always your way @Abbbian even when im giving you grief :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey!! Saying again!! Thanks brother!!! no joking now!!!

Iā€™ll say that again!! lol! It comes within a two month hiatus, then BOOOMMM!! Tons of beans!!! A totally different reality when compared to you guys and gals who have a ā€œsteadyā€ mail service!! Appreciate it!! Now Iā€™m really lost, what to grow next!! :astonished: :flushed: :worried: :thinking: :upside_down_face: :hugs: :rofl:

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grow them all and live in the forest!!!


Itā€™s a jungle out here!! :scream: :scream:

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Hi @Qtip!!! Have the beans safe and sound!! You rock it friend!!!

Is that 9 lb (pound) x Payonia Purple Paralyser?

Thanks a bunch!!! Appreciate it!!


9lb hammer from jinxproof x Dougā€™s PPPā€¦glad they made it brother.


Wow! Shit I loaded!! Huge!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: :flushed:


So happy they made it to you! That didnā€™t take too longā€¦ You are very welcome!
Wow @Abbbian you really made out with your mail ! What a haulā€¦:green_heart::v:


Looks like Christmas came early nice score.

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Holy crap @Abbbian , you have been on here thanking folks for months now showing pack after pack of seeds. You must have a pretty huge pile of flips by now, how many strains does that make bud? Got to be dozens by now. Are you planting any of them?


@DougDawson Slowly but yes, I am!! Itā€™ll take a lifetime though!! Iā€™d say no less than thirty different ones!! Sweet!! Lot to learn!! Thanks!!

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Wow, today was mail day it seemsā€¦ First, a HUGE thank you to @corey ! Wasnā€™t expecting that many flips, thats awesome and certainly picked up my mood a bit todayā€¦

Next up is a Thanks to @Budderton! Looks like everybody arrived safe and sound!

Thereā€™s so much fire in my mailbox today, they almost called the fire department :smiley:


@Nagel420 Damn !!! thereā€™s some gold in them hillsā€¦ Subcool , BOG, etc ā€¦ cant wait to see your grows.

Glad they made it! I hope you find something you like, happy hunting!:grin:

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Chunky Lemon Treeā€¦ damn good score mate

I got a gift in the mail today too, but not nearly as nice. :frowning:

Did they pull out the seeds and stuff the notice in?
That sucks.


Yepā€¦ they did leave the card though, which was considerate of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well that sucks rocks. Thatā€™s only the second letter I have seen out of hundreds of envelopes sent but it still sucks.

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That sucks, out loud!

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