Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 7)

Yeah, no fun… I think it was the Cookie Monster too, sorry to see your babies die @JohnnyPotseed. :frowning: It happens, I guess. I’m still not hurting for seeds, tough to be around here! Hopefully I’ll be able to come up with some seeds from this run too, after a little cloning and reversing, and share the love.


That’s a letter from the border I assume? That blows. Do you have to do anything or is it just seeds gone, move on?

The letter seems to imply that I’m supposed to destroy the seeds myself rather than burden the US government with the expense, but they didn’t give me the option and they whited out the name of the officer in charge. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe he’s growing himself and just figured this would be easier?


Dam and such a great strain to loose to the man . Cookie Monster rocks .

I wouldn’t do a damn thing unless they come knocking with a search warrant.

So I’ve heard, but there should be another Frankenstein baby heading my way. :crossed_fingers: Johnny ran a giveaway right after this was sent and I hopped on for some xPPP fun. And yeah, not gonna do a damn thing, even if they come knocking with a search warrant they won’t find anything.


Did I send you cookie monster? I know I recently sent you UFS18


Yeah, the UFS18 was a few days ago, the Cookie Monster was something like a month ago… I’m a seed addict, I know. :frowning: I’m trying to quit, but I tell myself God doesn’t really kill a kitten every time I collect another seed… right?


Maybe need cammo envelopes when crossing the border for you, the white ones.


Lol, no the kittens are safe bud…I will see if I get any more cookie monsters when I get home :slight_smile:


This is funny, but to take care of business. Courtesy of @Cory, Bog Sour Bluetooth, Subcool Strawberry Diesel Space Dude and Cheese Canuk x Cheese xUFS18. Now that was a mouthful. Also from @Trowertripper, Pineapple Thai #5 and Dance Hall.

So I open these (with childlike glee) and I open the last letter and, (wtf? No seeds?). Then I read who it is from, my financial advisor. OK, I can forgive him. Maybe I should send him some seeds first?


No big deal, apparently the Frankenstein is pretty overpowering in crosses according to Johnny… he sent out a pack of Paralyzed Monster from his giveaway a few days ago, if that hasn’t shown up in a month then maybe I’ll start looking around for another way to try it. I’m sure they’ll be around. :slight_smile:

Depends, did he make you money this quarter? :stuck_out_tongue:


We did pretty good, he does get a good chunk of change from me.

@bunny I’ve always wondered if this was worth the hassle

@Rabeats2093, what worth the hassle?

Financial advisor
Pretty good with money myself but wonder how a pro would do it :flushed:

I don’t know. I did get stung a couple of times, bad timing to throw in a big chunk of cash. My brother has way more and he just buys GIC’s. If it were not for my illness I would have worked for a few more years, I just make due with what I have and hope for the best.

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@DougDawson & @Cormoran I’m sorry to hear about the CM getting snatched… I don’t believe I have anymore to spare. Hell lol I might not have anymore period! I gotta look to make sure but if I remember right, there’s only like 5-10 left.


That’s what happened to me with the shiskaberry seeds passed them out like peppermints . I’m lucky to have 5 seeds left.


lol IKR…but, I do have a ton of new crosses, since I hit EVERYTHING but the kitchen sink with the 3 packs of PPP I had. Frankenstein and also Frankenstein’s Bride got me a good bit of seeds lol Also the other strains I had going, about 15 total crosses.