Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

Where’s the seeds ?


:kiss: :rofl:



Ok just got 3 more 4x4 tents, one to run the tester seeds in soon as they get here and 2 open ones for what ever seeds i can get next, like to run some type of purple strain in one if i can find it, unless i get lucky on the 4th, lol, but any way im ready to grow the world lol, ill keep a update on here when the testers come in, and thank you all for the support and help, keep growing


right on I wouldn’t know where to put even 1 more tent unless I kick a kid or 2 out hmmmm lol


Yeah that makes 4 total, i got 2 extra rooms upstairs so i figure 2 in each room, lol, i have no kids at home they all grew up so plenty of room


I have all 4 of mine still home well 2are in college but someday I’m not rushingnit but 2 extra rooms oh how much fun I could have can’t wait to see what you do with them

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That was pretty much the same as we did lol3 sons at home until they were into their 20s… told them stay as long as you need/like, but ante up on the bills. Which they did, no sweat. BUT…when they left the nest…it was ON! :rofl: I had all kinda extra space to expand lol


I’m in no rush Idk what I’ll do when they are all gone go live with one of them ha I would love some more grow space been thinking about a polebarn now that ny is legal but big decision especially right now with the cost of materials and such someday maybe

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Yeah i have 3 kids did the same told them to stay long as they wanted, but they decided its time to move out of daddys and start thier on family, and i must say they turned out pretty good, so yeah i took the rooms over lol


Is that a Warlock!? :smiley:


Anyone have any purple strains they be willing to get rid of, got 4 tents 1 in use 2nd one waiting on test ones to get here so like to run some type of purple in 3nd tent and maybe kush strain in 4th one, or i could wait on @JohnnyPotseed for that famous frankenstien i heard so much about, lol just kidding @JohnnyPotseed i know you have alot on your plate right now but my eyes will be watching for it


I’ve got some pinkleberry crosses that are pretty darned likely to show you color. In fact, I’d be shocked if they didn’t. The gelato and black widow moms are pretty colorful. Critical bilbo less so but showing some purple. Bruce banner very green for my environment.


Wow that sounds good, @Eagles009 wish i had some of them for the 4th tent to run


Well we can make that happen my friend. I’ll pm you here in a minute.

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Just google it and you’ll get a better idea of what Frankenstein is about. The pollen pods are forming, hopefully they’ll have some magic dust in them. If not, it’s wash, rinse. repeat…repeat…repeat until success!

edit… One way or another, there will be seeds, and if not with the STS method, well then I’ll be tying the CS after that. But the STS will be used again, first.


Hello @JohnnyPotseed yeah i did and i have always wanted to try it, im almost 60 years old and still never had that chance, tried alot of others in my life but not that one, well now there so much other breeds now i get excited just thinking about the different strains today, they sure came along ways from back in the day

Hey @JohnnyPotseed, How many times have you run across empty pods while reversing? That’s my frustration.

When I used the old school rodilization method, never. But this is my first time using chemical assists…so no idea why . I’ve heard that some of the first pods will usually be empty. We’ll just have to wait n see bro


I’ve got so many Frankenstein plants that I can use as mothers, I had no need of doing a seed run on her. But there seems to be a lot of interest on here for seeds, of her and several other old school strains I’ve kept going for over 20 yrs on clones only. That’s the only reason for this…

edit… When I first bred her, I had a few thousand seeds. But over the past 20 years, I’ve given them all out lol So that can be a powerful incentive to bow to the OG community in making some more seeds!