Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

Something like that is my concern. I was actually thinking if they planned on doing further giveaways with them I didn’t want to step on their toes.

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Also may depend on if it’s someone special project


Also something I considered. I think I’m going to confirm they’re cool with it first.


I feel like since you honest enough to ask first your going to get a bunch of yes’s lol


Damn y’all are so nice and considerate. I have split almost every pack I’ve received. Haven’t gotten yelled at yet :sweat_smile::rofl:


I ve seen a few people get Blue Cookies feminized from me and give them away. It doesnt bother me. I would rather them eventually get into the hands of someone who will have time and resources to run them. Rather than sit in a box and never get a chance to grow.


It’s why I’m not jumping on some of these genetics. I’d love to have them, but my space is so tiny and I already have decades worth of seeds at my current scale, I just don’t know when I’ll have the space to start running more. Hopefully sooner rather than later!



If I can’t grow them…
I know someone who can!!!


And honestly, I’m not beyond regifting beans I’ve gotten. Or trading with someone for an equal trade. One thing that i think would be crossing the line is selling beans that were gifted.
But i think most would agree that once you give someone some beans, they become theirs and do with them what you like. But thats just me. I could be way off base.


When I’m giving some seeds to anyone, they then become that person’s property to do with as they please. I only ask to be recognized as the breeder if mine.

edit… same with clones, when I give them to anyone I tell them to grow em, clone em, share em…whatever they want, just to please give me any credit as to the breeding. lol That way folks know who to cuss at!! :rofl:


Agree 100%. Could not have it any other way. And if gifted beans and was told they were for me only. No sharing. Gotta respect the guys wishes, specially if hes a breeder and doesnt want his creation out there for folks to capitalize on. Its just common respect. Again. Just my opinion. I dont want to start an argument here. Hahaha


another big shout out to my friend @DougDawson, got a package of that famous pollen, was sure glad to see it, now to put it to work in a week or so, thanks brother i appreciate it, and darn it i missed some seeds again, lol, seems like im always a dollar short and a day late lol, congrats to the winners, thanks brother for the card , very appreciated

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Me too. Thanks Doug.

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I feel the same. If anyone wants to give out any beans I’ve sent feel free :slightly_smiling_face:

That too.

And I like that as well :grin:


It wouldn’t bother me either but different strokes for different folks and if someone is nice enough to send me seeds, and specially enough that I could share and still have plenty, the last thing I’m trying to do is return that generosity with something they consider disrespectful or whatever.

Selling beans that were gifted seems a bit dickish, more so if you were to do it on the site you got them on!


I just don’t understand the point of selling them really. I’ve spent the majority of this past year converting dollars into beans, why would I start doing the opposite?

The bean economy will prevail!


Oh it happens. Trust me. Im 65 yrs old and if theres one thing ive learned about people is there is no bottom to how low some folks will go to screw someone else.

Edit. Present company excluded.


So sad yet so true :frowning:


Truth. Or just climb on others to get ahead without even considering whether they’re screwing them.

You don’t see it on this site though thankfully. Someone out to screw people would get bored with how freely everyone gives, no challenge in it! :laughing: There’s enough positivity it could knock that energy out of a person here anyway.


To give away any beans I gave is fine, but to sell them after I’ve gave them isn’t cool. I agree with @BigMike55