Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

Yeah, I suspect I’m speaking from a pretty narrow perspective, especially being fairly new to the whole scene. Everything is still very novel for me.

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See? It dont hurt to be cool. Whatever happened to the 70’s? Man, everybody was cool. Its a different world these days.


@FattyRoots and @Slick1

I still need your addys for the God’s Afghani


I wish I was lucky enough to be around in those days.

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It was really nicer in the 60s…for the most part lol

edit… dropping pure LSD onto sugar cubes or directly into the eye if no sugar…
free love (hell yeah!) etc etc :rofl: :rofl: :sunglasses: :+1:
getting higher than a georgia pine in the open air concerts


We’re there many people back then line breeding NLD/BLD crosses. I know society generally considered the 60’s where that began

Dont get me wrong. I have never ever been screwed around by anyone here. I was talking maybe even life in general. It seems a lot of people try to make a buck by screwing someone else. Its pathetic. I would rather be a panhandler. Instead of a fucker.

Ok im off my soapbox.


It’s a good sized soap box. Not too big, not too small. It’s just right.

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Skunk #1 was among the first to be done…in the 70s though lol

crosses/breeding was done in the 60s and long before, it just wasn’t so commercialized and a lot more ‘private’


I agree if it was giving and shared to you, i feel you should give and share to the next person but give credit to the creater, not make a buck off the creater

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It’s retarded today man. It’s the heights of lazy is what it is. Can’t put the work in to do better themselves so the put the effort to knock their neighbor down a block so they look so much better in comparison. But if you only put your hand out and helped him climb up, maybe he will get ahead and give you a lift. This plant was put here for us to use and spread cheap easy to access of medicine, not for it to be commercialized. Seems all the new guys breed for is fame and the almighty $. Who’s Gona look out for the poor skipper with a broken back on dissability, who 100 is the spare money they can spend in 2 months.


Sorry guys. I just unloaded. Found out last week that my Amazon account was compromised. After using my card there to make sure the numbers were good they went online to walmart shopping in sarasota florida. And bought all kinds of electronics clothes toys even groceries. And got away with it until i cancelled the card. Thats why im pissed. Sorry!


I just did a research paper on cannabis, and just so happened to have this on hand


Go read this…



My brother’s boat was stolen a couple nights ago… stripped and left floating in the lake where they pay to doc. He is the hardest working man I know!

Bueatiful man, couldn’t but the blaten ignorance of man any better. This is why I love your generation and strongly dislike my own


Unreal hope the card company goes good on the refund for you id thought I’d read some where that they were hacked!

Damn that’s rough shit… hope you contested the purchases and got your money back!


I’d feel wrong selling something that was gifted to me in general. It’s one thing to sell what’s grown from it but seeds that were gifted doesn’t seem right. But I can understand why some would disagree.

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That sucks man. I had a card compromised once and that anger is something else cause you have no idea who it is and they’ll probably never get caught. It’s bad enough if they did, but to just get screwed sideways by a stranger who goes on like nothing happens is a real kick in the teeth.

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