Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

Some work harder to avoid working! Shameful!

Most things can be ok with moderation. Rat poison at the right dosage keeps many people from having a heart attack. So in that way if I was gifted beans and easily mad more I would gift as meany back as my means would allow, or for example it can be quite costly to mail a lot of packages or many other circumstamcial costs. But really if you have sethimg you poured your heart and sole into, spent days and months and years culling plants, wasting soil, nutrients, power, whatever to find those perfect parents, and then you make your cross and go through more rounds of testing. And who knows you might even end up back at square 1 before you get something you can take pride in releasing. Under those circumstances I can see wanting $10 a seed… But that being said… There aren’t many that still put that kind of work, time, sleepless nights running through the different characteristics your plants show. It’s a life long investment and some people to an extent it’s able to consume their life, so of course they would feel like it deserved to have a decent value and still be sought after. I can grab clone only and a random male of a good strain and slap em together and you grow one, most likely it isn’t going to be terrible, but won’t have any kind of consistancy at all and all sorts of problems cough (in-house) cough, aghhem, bug in me troat


Was walking the furry beast last week, found a wallet on a path, no cash or cc’s, guy lived 2 blocks away.

Went with the dog, 7:45 am to his house to find out it had been stolen from his truck overnight.

Thief had done usual, buy cigs and candy at gas station, fast food breakfast…and paid for his girlfriend’s spotify account.

Moron gave the cops a name and address.


My card has been compromised a couple times and my mother’s was just last week. I don’t know if it’s a canadian credit thing or not, but we are 100% covered for all expenses from a stolen card or card number

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A few years back the wife’s card was compromised, and the damn fool bought the ‘WIndows7 pro’ operating system with it lol needless to say they got him fast. Another time we were at a pow wow and someone broke into the house and stole part of my gun collection, The insurance company paid up but the loss was much more…one of the guns was a 1894 Winchester lever action 30/30 that belonged to my gramps and I inherited… damn all thieves!

edit… I used that gun to hunt and it was going to be my oldest son’s one day. It worked fine.


That’s beat. My bank thankfully made good on mine and they hadn’t taken much when I caught it. I heard cc companies here just write it off anymore here.

That hurts damn. Bad enough when it’s replaceable stuff but when it’s not that really stings.


Same here, had my capital one card compromised last year. Got an email at 2am from them asking if I had spent $5000 on concert tickets ($2400 + $2600 in charges), when I confirmed that I didn’t make the purchase they just told me ok we’ll wipe it off your account

I don’t know how they got it to go through, I don’t have a 5k limit. I was thrilled to hear they weren’t holding me to it though.

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Seems like most folks have a tale or two about theft. It’s just a damn shame, too…


Your beans,your choice unless gifter gave specific criteria IMO


For Sure, I even have had trouble with giving ones offered But if they aren’t what I need, the rest of the pack is offered up.

yep, I record them in red to grow and jourmal.

:green_heart: :seedling:

Another subject…the weather just said 97 atm with heat index of 103…all I know is it’s frickin HOT!

But worse further southwest, so I’ll take it and be glad!

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Winnie 3030 is one of my all time favorite rifles :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: im looking for an older marlin or Henry 3030 right now, something woth a side gate eject for a 4x scope to be mounted on it

Got a 44mag Marlin lever action that will ‘reach out n touch someone’

want a 50cal though lol


Wow yea, summer is HERE!! supposed to be 39°C here sat and sun (that’s 102°f) I’m loving every minute of it, I need to go buy another AC though and my plants stole my last one

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That’s a BIG boy, 50 cal. I can feel my shoulder ache just thinking about that recoil

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Well, lol I’m a ‘big boy’ so I can handle it :grin: :sunglasses:

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My fav has to be my Remington Nylon 66

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I like a few different guns, but this 44mag lever action is the shizzizle

knock knotholes outta trees at 500yrds lol

edit… and a lot more yardage to go lol


Marlins sure are beautiful rifles, the 44 especially. If we hade big mule deer here I’d be going after that, but just little blacktails on the island

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I don’t (can’t) hunt anymore, but it sure as hell work for home protection too lol
I’d rather have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!

edit…gotta revolver, same cal so interchangeable ammo, (the best way to go!)

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