Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

13 is one I can guess

that’s okay but is it 7?

its gotta be 6

54…nope guessed 13 lol

Gonna start at 1

6 plus or minus 1
That’s 5/6/7

2 is the lucky one

Hey it has to be 58

99 for the Great One

No not 7, that would be too easy. Everyone’s lucky number is 7 or 3

86 it for me

maybe 89? im just guessing

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Lucky number for the win is 41

might as well guess again. is it 8?

42 for hope

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nobodys said 69? ol

Ok ok, I’ll give a hint 1 second. Need to stop laughing quick

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24 hours in a day

9? i cant remember the numbers already

10 is one number