Continuing the discussion from The Canadian Contingent (Part 1) - #5045 by Foreigner.
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Continuing the discussion from The Canadian Contingent (Part 1) - #5045 by Foreigner.
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You can find that machine cheaper at Walmart. It’s a mini washing machine not branded for cannabis so not jacked up so much
POST 2 = 10char!
20-30 mins is good for trim anything over that you really need to watch your water temps. The warmer water makes less yeild
Thanks everyone! I just ordered this thing off Amazon out of sheer laziness
$200 Cannabucks all-in with delivery + a spare 220u bubble bag!
Jesus, I guess they did. I got the 20 gal bubble magic for 150
WHOA! I’ve never seen it that low, even used!
I wrapped mine in some insulation and retro fitted in a beaded 3/4” flex hose with fittting for easier cleanup.
I lucked out a guy bought more then he needed and sold me that one still in the box with the plastic straps around it
I don’t sweat the temps too hard. I let it all equalize to negative whatever and then I just keep adding ice so there’s always ice on the mix.
So, I have never made hash before with my plant matter.
I always just throw it away.
But I love hash.
Yes, this is stupid.
Heatwave over for now, took advantage of the rain and defied the April burn ban this morning by burning all my paper waste, feel like a felon now, as I waited for the overworked fire department to give me a fine. Pisses off my son-in-law as he is a firefighter locally. 10 grass fires over the weekend, but not on my land…
You’re lucky they shut down Kingston Penitentiary.
I wish it would rain here to knock down the pollen.
Lit up my lawn accidentally a few years ago, called 911 immediately but had it put out before firemen arrived. They weren’t that happy but I didn’t get fined. Was amazed at how quick it went up, knew rght away the 7 of us were gonna have trouble, was a close call. Only burn when its raining now…
I was camping and some genius said “we should have two fire pits.”
I said “guys this is a bad idea one will eventually be left unattended and we will burn this island down.”
It almost happened. Fire escaped the pit.
I have off and on rain all night and this am… but not enough for the rain barrels to fill
Jealous. Dry as a bone up here.
Doesn’t surprise me as you’re surrounded by a heat producing concrete environment.
I’m next to the lake and a river, elevated and have several massive green-spaces around me. very lucky.
sending this weather to you now.
Got quite a bit here filled my barrel!