Free your budshots!

Definitely not a herm. Just a beautiful stud. Most impressive one I’ve had. I’m wondering if it will transfer big yield genetics?


Ahhh ok, I’ve never seen a fully grown male. I never let them get that big lol. I see one or two nanners and they’re outta there. I do want to get into crossing some stuff eventually, so I might down the road. Yeah, those traits would be nice to pass down. It’s so dense it looks like bud from a distance. Had me fooled thinking it’s a herm :grin:

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i think so but i could be wrong


I’ve never had one with such dense flowers clusters. This one really did resemble a nice top of a female.

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Agreed. Big giant dense buds. Were going to find out.


I’d try to smoke it, once dried :laughing:. Are you going to? I’ve seen trichomes on plenty pics of males, it gotta have some effect.


Oh hell no man lol I tried all that in my younger years. Weed is so plentiful here since being legal and the market dropping super low that I’m even more
of a picky smoker. I usually take the first two hits and just torch the bud, then dump it. My weed goes bad before I even smoke it now.
I remember back in the day scraping the resin out when out of bud to get high. As kids we’d tried smoking leaves, seeds, males, immature green bud haha! Just about everything.
The first plant I ever grew was a male from some Mexican brick weed in 7th grade like 30 years ago. And he’ll yeah we smoked that fucker. Then we all got a headache.


I’ve never tried it, so I’d be curious as heck with that big of a male nugget. It would be too tempting for me lol.

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Trust me… I get it. You see that pollen and think hash… then you have to try it out… then
major disappointment

I don’t think it’s a good idea, I mean - trichomes are used to produce the resin with THC and terpenes to protect the flowers, right? male plants obviously have no flowers. Will work with hermie, but with male?

SDG… THE UPPER VAULT :muscle: :fire: :smiling_imp:


wow nice photos :wink: the appearance of polyploids is very special.
See you


Useful chocolate diesel, delectable.

Riot cherry berry, like blueberry syrup through my terp hammer.

Norstar 1985- if you’re looking for dogshit terms, this is definitely the one…



i had one like that going on about three years ago. in my almost 50 years of growing i had only ever saw just that one.

the reference i referred it to was " he had so many balls, even the girls were jealouse." like a dumb ass i did not get photos but your photo represents what mine looked like.

take a look @TopShelfTrees1

pounding headache as i remember :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


(Cloney sour Diesel x Chimera 3) fully seeded.


Thay guys impressive! Nice find.

Caramel afghan and Congo Kashmir freebies, sour d JP cut x 88 g13hp and panama red f4




You can get a reproduction through The Nature Farm.

Uncle Festers Skunk#18 ‘SkunkBud’ (

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I remember seeing that one some years ago. If I remember correctly, they are unrelated.

Dragonfly Earth Medicine also has an unrelated line that shows the pinnately leaf shape.

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