Frenchy Cannoli: Lost Art of the Hashishin Workshop

Part 1: Washing


Part 2: Drying


Part 3: Preparing The Patties


Part 4: Pressing


cool! this guy is a legend- he just did a presentation in Boston at the Freedom Rally but I missed it


This man is a clown, that ice o lator is the worst i haved smoke in my like, :smell like Acri wet dog and bleach. it doesn’t have anything to teach!


maybe I didn’t miss much then! :smile::smile:


My only experience with making ice hash is from using Texas shwag and bubble bags. It was…okay. Definitely not the same as the good dry sieved stuff from back in the day in Germany/Holland.

I’d like to hear some more opinions about ice hash, especially in comparison to dry sieved. Is it worth going through all the trouble of making ice hash? Especially when it seems as easy as this to make dry sieved hash:


I don’t tell bullshit, take a look.


@Piro What’s going on in that pic?

Not to state the obvious, but looks like mold to me.


Of course. Just wondering if there is more to it. That seems to be a pretty serious quality control issue. Is that something that happens often?

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@McMuffin it’s simple,is moldy! This man don’t dry the ice o lator, and this is the result.


I only attended one of his workshops, never had any product to test, but I can say I learned a ton from getting to ask him questions in person. He addressed a ton of questions I had and was able to identify why I was having the problems I was having and actually advised me to use a dry sifter for the quantities of hash I was making. I can’t vouch for the product he has made, but I do know that not getting all the water out of ice water hash has, and continues to be, a major problem for most of the hash industry in the U.S., especially in humid environments.


Is your complaint that the water hash technique is flawed, and getting all of the water out isn’t reasonably feasible.

Or is the complaint that the people suck, and aren’t putting in the effort necessary to get the water out


The 2nd you mentioned…
@Piro makes and smokes bubble hash, he loves hash and that’s why he’s so upset…


@dee.s73 definitely, for me Francy have a great idea for make machine bubble hash, but his tech dry it’s totally wrong.


yea… coming from someone that loves making bubble hash (which of course potency is slightly different but you gotta work with what you have lol) that picture is irritating to me…

I spend more time drying it out by hand when I’m done making it then I spend making it so this, specifically, doesn’t happen…

it just seems like money hungry “craftsmanship” when that starts happening.

but he is a very knowledgeable man and works his ass off to be where he is, I didnt think the above picture happens but maybe 1 in every 200 times or so… (again, I dont know for sure, just weighing in a a hash maker)


That’s what I’m wondering. We’ve all fucked up before. Hell, it seems like we can’t even get through a single grow log without screwing up at least once or twice.

I looked (not very hard) for some negative reviews on Frenchy’s water hash and didn’t find anything else talking about mold issues. I’m not part of the legal scene that has the luxury of being able to shop at a storefront, so I don’t having any experience or know of any anecdotes about the quality of commercial water hash.

@Piro , what is wrong with Frenchy’s drying technique? Which technique would you recommend?

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@McMuffin he don’t dry the hash, I suere i smoke his ice on BCN Spannabis 2017, it’s horrible. I dry ice with simple tech, i put the ball of hash in a metal fine-tooth comb, and with the help of toothbrush I start to separate the ice o lator, bakery paper is perfect to dry. I reapet this process until the ice o lator it doesn’t stick anymore for the fine-tooth comb, and change the paper many times until the sings of water have shall cease. Now I can put the ice o lator in a pizza box, closed but with holes for the air. In 24 ours the ice is dry. Now you can smoke it. But it’s better curing for a few weeks. This is my tech.