General use Gardening thread

I am not envious of you having to put down all that mulch.


I would love some @noknees, thank you!


@Gato dm me your address, I’ll send you a pack of Frensno Hot pepper seeds.


I have 3 packs of seeds for anyone in Canada. wanna try some Frensno peppers?

Can be eating green or wait till Red. Once red, they are delicious with almost fruitiness to them. A litter hotter than a Jalapeno pepper.

I’ll go buy a few stamps & envelopes tomorrow.


Hey man whatsup I’ll look through and set you up a care package!!! Tomorrow sound good man?


Grabbed a few pictures while I was working in the yard earlier.

These are one of the fun ones for the year. Jelly Melons AKA Horned Melons (and a luffa in the background as well). The fruits are super spikey and the vines and leaves will leave tons of little fiberglass-like spikes in you if you touch them. If you threw one of the fruits to somebody they would probably bleed from catching it they are just that spikey and sharp. Overall, very unenjoyable to touch in any way but they look cool and grow like crazy. I probably have 30+ fruits on there slowly ripening at the moment. I just tried a half ripe one earlier and it tasted like a slightly tart green banana. Very unique flavor. Will be interesting to see what a fully ripe one tastes like.

Here’s some luffas and gourds I’ve got going. There’s probably 20 of those little gourds hidden around and I didn’t plant them. They just popped up next to a bed and took over this area because I was curious what kind of gourd they were going to be so I let them go. I’ve only found the 3 Luffas in these pictures so far but they’re growing great. Hopefully more pop up.


I popped some Loquat seeds. They have a bunch of mature Loquat trees at a local heritage garden here, and I got the seeds from the fruit off of one of the trees. Delicious fruit - like a plum/apricot
This one took about 6 weeks to sprout

and these two just recently sprouted, after about 9 weeks

I just watched a video saying that it might take 5 years before trees bear fruit (starting from seed), but if I graft a mature branch onto the root-stock, it could bear fruit only after 2-3 years. If all goes well, I’m going to try it

(this thread rocks, btw)


I would be happy to grow some of your Frensno peppers.

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My army is growing. Pun intended.

This is the next member of the army. Trying one of those little gourds in the mold. Not sure how it will do since the shape of the gourds is not very smooth. Probably will look a little weird.


Just found this thread and glad I did. Ripping out all my shitty landscaping soon with plans to replace it with edible berry bushes, an herb garden, etc in the spring.


100% Blueberrys, looks like bushes, flowers are white/pink, Berry are also good looking & Edible.

Do some research on when each type typically flower, get 2 that flower at the same time = loads of Blueberrys.

Ps. There is Blueberry bush called Pink Lemonaid and the berries are PINK.

Here are the ones I have so far:

Blueberry - Duke - Northern Highbush - Late spring bloom
Blueberry - Patriot - Northern Highbush - Early spring bloom
Blueberry - Pink Lemonaid - Rabbiteye x Highbush - July/August Harvest
Blueberry - North County - Half-high - June/July Harvest
Blueberry - Vaccinium - highbush blueberry


This is AMAZING :clap: :raised_hands: I LOVE it. @FishnRice


Definitely. Blueberries are going all around the front where the HOA can see. Blackberries and raspberries in the back because I like them more.

The HOA also demands a tree in the front yard, however the “requirements” mean that they die within 10 years because they’re too close to the street. I haven’t had one in at least 4 years because it died and they tell me to replace it and I don’t and then they don’t say anything for another couple years. But now I’m saying fuck it and putting a fig tree out front, but more in the middle so it won’t die.


Tay berries 2 gallon bags of raspberries. And a bunch of black berries about a quart a day with this weather


beach plums

Goji beries


Mexican vining milkweed cousin

Passion fruit growing on tomato cage (elderberry in the back ground)

sleeping in the shade


One pumpkin is already turning orange and a green one.

Any guesses as to what this is? I am leaning towards zucchini, but it’s getting pretty big.

That’s a 2x6 for reference.


Looks like a zuch. The one’s I grew a couple years ago looked like that. They’d grow wider but not longer. Not sure if it’s genetics or what…

Great thread Cadman. Surprised one didn’t already exist!

I was away from home all spring so my garden is mostly weeds, but I finally got around to dealing with my corn from last year:

I like to grow heirloom corn (yellow sweet corn is delicious but I can buy it from farmers markets for cheap) - Dakota black popcorn, Hopi blue/red, Mandan lavender… I got into a Lewis & Clark kick a while back and bought corn varieties from different tribes that they ran into along the way.

Cornbread, grits and tortillas (and popcorn) from the garden are amazing. I feel like we’ve all been lied to where we grew up thinking “Indian corn” is just a Halloween decoration instead of delicious food haha.


That is one big ass zucchini if it is one lol. You can carve it for Halloween and set it next to those pumpkins.


Just picked these today while also burning wood to build very rot restent raised beds.

Now bring the FIRE :fire:

Turns out beautiful, at least to me.


brought home some mint and oregano :yum: