General use Gardening thread

A 200 lb watermelon is just hilarious to even imagine and that’s a fantastic giant pumpkin. I do bury the nodes all over both for the extra roots and to hide them from the vine borers and the plan was to thin back to 1 pumpkin after they got to soccer ball sized in case something happened to 1. Do you think your buddy would have some extra seeds from one of his giant pumpkins I could snag? Clearly some great genetics if he managed an 1140 from them so I’d love to try growing them next season if possible. No biggy if not.

Mine took over one side of my yard and I had to build a little makeshift fence to keep my 70 lb dog from climbing through the vines and breaking all the leaves like she wanted to lol. I must have hand pollinated a dozen or so flowers before 2 finally took and I have another one I planted over at a relative’s house that still hasn’t pollinated yet despite a cushaw right next to it pollinating with no issues whatsoever just from the bees.

I mainly grow in my back yard so that’s one reason I love big sunflowers. I can’t necessarily hear what the neighbors are saying but I know they can see them when they’re way up above the fence line.


I couldn’t agree more with container gardening! I have pulled some chunky carrots, radishes, and beets out of containers before. Create a beautiful living soil container(s)!


I have quite a few extra fruit/veg seeds. would you like some?


Pulled seeds out of Cherry Peppers yesterday. I like to hollow them out & stuff w/ cream cheese & sausage & freeze them for something to snack during the fall & winter… or smoke 'em until they’re dry and add to ferments for some smoky-sweet flavor in sauces. Good fresh too, I put these into omelets this morning. The seeds could use a few days to dry a little, but can send them to anyone interested once they’re ready.


Hey I will grab some from you kindly. Thanks. I’ll get out my pepper seeds in a bit when I wake up. Anyone looking for super hots?.


Good to go. Send your info over & I’ll send a flip your way. :+1:


Wow :blush: thanks


I have some banana pepper seeds if any one wants them then some super hots if anyone wants to trade pepper seed Carolina reaper. Bhut jolokia orange scotch bonnet. Chocolate habenero. Need to get more…


Running low on all my others. I think I might place a order with seeds n such


If I could still do the super hot stuff I’d take them off your hands. It used to be a regular thing for me to eat fresh habaneros and bhuts right off the plant but I simply can’t do it anymore… got older I guess, the lower half of my digestive system no longer shares the enthusiasm the upper half has.
If I tried that mess now I’d have to wear my brown pants for a few days :rofl:


Lol :laughing: ya I understand. I eat them off the plant whenever they finish. I also dry them. And use them in chili’s and tahcos and all sorts of stuff. My favorite so far are peach scotch bonnets. They have the right level of heat and a lovely fruity spicy taste to them. With a nice linger and endorphins


I am! I didnt have a huge pepper crop this year, but I will have plenty habanero seeds to share!


Back deck vegetable garden.


these are my playboy mags now


RIP, 2nd pumpkin did also abort at softball sized. I kind of expected that when the heat came back so fast and the 1st one started to shrivel up but I was still hoping it wouldn’t lol. No pumpkins ready to pollinate yet but we have at least 2 weeks of good mid-80s weather coming so wish me luck. On the bright side, my butternut squash are growing like weeds and taste great.


No pumpkins. Poblanos, fresnos, candy cane, chocolate jalapeño, and Brandywine toms.


Loving this thread! I got a tiny garden of my own going. Yes I know it’s got some weeds in it because I was too lazy to do a weed barrier. My grandma might of been right about the peas they are not liking the heat and the bugs are going to town on the broccoli and Brussels sprouts. The zucchinis are popping off and same thing with my blackberry bushes! I have 1 little avocado plant, 2 rows of carrots an asparagus bush I’ve been letting seed out for 2 years now, some blueberries also not liking the heat and green beans all in the front then I just have some lemongrass and green onions in the back. It’s not much but I really enjoy growing my own produce. There is probably more in the front garden now that I think about it like Lettuce and celery. Idk I just planted a lot of stuff thinking half wouldn’t make it lol


Just pulled this out today. Can’t wait for the rest of them to get ripe.

I believe these are Anaheim California peppers.


Busy day of yard work tomorrow. I’ve neglected it and we’ve had rain constantly lately. Looking forward to tomorrow morning. Haha


You’ve got a great setup, looking so green and healthy!