General use Gardening thread

Haven’t been on here in a few weeks it seems, Man I live this thread! AWESOME stuff, gardens, harvests and Preservation of the harvests. Im loving it all. Never give up guys/gals.

This week, we built a new 4x8x2 raised bed, specifically for June & Everbearing Strawberrys. (Still have to burn :fire: a few bords before its “done”)

We picked up 25x June Strawberry plants today for $1 each, gonna overwinter them for yummy spring growth. (We have 32x Strawberry plants total now)

Last weekend we picked up 3x Thornless Raspberry bushes (small ones)
Winter Savory (Sooo dam good)

Took out the perennial herbs:
Rosemary, Oregano, Lemon Tyme and planted hlaf of each in containers for winter growth inside, just to be sure we have some again in the spring & cut back & harvested seeds from the Spearmint bush…

Ps. IF ANYONE in here has any Perennial flower’s that are willing to send out some seed heads that would be amazingly awesome. Also looking for Garlic bulbs for planting, Chives, onions starts of any type,
Just post here or DM me.

Id be happy to send out Marigold seeds when im done harvesting/drying these out from my garden.

Im looking for Echinacea & Black/Brown eyes Susan’s (Im sure there are more im not even aware of yet, especially if its helpful to repellent of pests.

Whomever is waiting on me to send out seeds, im sorry. I haven’t forgotten, I have sometimers and ill get these out quickly as possible.

Lastly for the garden, we gotta get/order atleast 2/3 yards of garden soil, so we can finish filling these beds and planting atleast 10 to 12 trees/bushes/plants in the ground before the frost comes.

Oh & we have a new family member:

Ohh and last thing. The Cannabis strain I made, DAMMMM this smells So GOOD.


Thanks for the PD butternut seeds and all the extra pepper seeds @Ivy. Looking forward to growing them for sure. I had smoked just before looking at them so I thought it was really weird you named one pack “Shit! Tomatillo” but I just accepted it as a silly name and moved on until I looked again a bit later and realized you were just acknowledging a mistake lol. I cracked up laughing when I realized my own mistake.

To say thanks for the first seeds somebody on this site has given me, I’ll give away some Jelly Melon/Kiwano Melon/Horned Melon seeds to a couple people here if anybody wants to try them. Just say so if you want them. I’ve picked 25 ripe ones so far off 2 vines and there’s at least another 20~ still ripening out there so they are very productive and highly heat and drought tolerant but they do take a long time to start flowering so they have to be started as early as possible to get the most out of them. When ripe they taste like a slightly tart green banana with a little kiwi flavor to me.

The insides are filled with tons of seeds surrounded in little pods of fruity gel and people eat them plain with seeds and all but I didn’t enjoy them that way so I wasn’t going to grow them again unless I figured out a good way to use them which I did so I will. I just blend the inside seeds and fruit then strain it for the juice and blend in a little strawberry jelly to sweeten and flavor it which makes it taste like a delicious strawberry banana juice. The juice also mixes extremely well with pineapple juice and would make a fantastic addition to a fruit smoothie.

Big bowl of Jelly Melon before blending.


When i was doing Strawberries, I focused on June bearers. They seem to produce a good crop in June and another secondary crop later toward August/September. The everbearing ones produce a few all the time , I found myself overlooking those as there was never enough at one time. Plant them in fall and dont fertilize them due to causing tender growth before winter. Fertilize in spring and they will really produce .


Lol… glad they made it. Good luck!


Is now fall time or wait? I’m more south than you, but I’m ready to move these berries to a new home but they are flowering. Something in me thinks I should not move them while they flower.

Eta: I’m lifting iris this weekend, if anyone wants a few rhizomes


Now is good , even the tiny runners will be nice plants come spring.


Some iris rhizomes would certainly be put to good use around here. If you think you’ll end up with any spares, I could help find them a home.


There will be some castor seeds ready soon. I can collect some if anyone is interested. They don’t need much care & add some nice color to a garden.

WARNING: The seeds are highly toxic. They contain ricin. If you eat them, you will die. It will not be pleasant. If you have kids that are likely to eat random things, animals that eat whatever (chickens, goats probably, etc.), you may want to avoid these.

They’re nice looking plants and I like 'em. They’ll seed themselves easily, but they don’t make a million seeds; plucking out the sprouts that come up where you don’t want them is pretty effortless.

Anyhow, if you’d like me to snag a few and send them out, let me know. This will be another US folks only offer… the seeds are too thick for an envelope. They’re not rare or anything & you’d likely spend less buying them locally than someone paying international shipping.

This picture is of many individual plants. Probably a dozen or so.


Id like to try some of these out, should i send a dm? @ivy


Cool, I’ll start collecting. Address is on hand already from a pack of squash seeds (i think) sent out earlier in the week.


Awesome. Appreciate it.

Thanks Brother. Ill fill up that 4x8 with soil, plant the Strawberries in their permanent home, cut the tops off after the first 2 or 3 frosts, cover with tree leave mulch for winter & pray they grow back in the spring. 1st ever garden for me at this level. Lol we feel crazy sometimes.

Also finished that 35 ft raised bed today, hard to see it all. But its there. Just need to fill these up.


Thanks for posting pics of the castor plant. If my son wasnt so young and literally would pluck everything off this plant i would buy some of these locally. Really like the look of this plant


Dang those are beautiful I would love to have some of those around my house


If you’re in the US & want some, send a message w/ your info & I’ll get them out. It’ll be a couple of weeks, they still need to dry out a little.


Test run turned out so we making more!!! Blackberry jam.


Belgian Ox Heart tomato - only one ripe so far - but what a whopper :smiley: :smiley:


I just got my first Brandywine the other day. First time I’ve had them, not my favourite and I have a bunch lol.
Does the oxcart have “a vine scent” flavour? The Brandywine is more like a candy fruit, very sugary. I’ve been frying them green and making verde enchilada sauce with them as they are better suited to be eaten green, imho of course…

That oxcart looks like an awesome slicer for a BLT.


Growing Red Brandywine and Black Brandywine both sweet and delicious - haven’t had the heart to cut the Ox Heart yet but smells very vine tomato (which it is - lol) - waiting for burger night so will let you know what it tastes like :smiley: :smiley:


This is what we made yesterday, blackberry jam and runny jam/syrup. :drooling_face: