GeneSeeds Bank - Exotic and Original Seeds

…Hacía tiempo no oía sobre Miguel1983… Saludadlo de mi parte…

Que genética tiene Exoevania?

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Hola compañero que tal!
eso esta hecho, saludaremos de tu parte al miguelon :wink:
ExoEva es, Old Skunk Exodus x Evania (Lebanon#1 x Uzbekistán) si te apetece marcarte un segui con ella o con alguna otra dínoslo y te mandamos



Ya os saludo yo mejor, me acaba de registrar aquí, voy a echar un vistazo, xd


Cual seria vuestra variedad con más y mejor efecto sativo? Quizá entre Exoeva y Harley Quinn?
Salud y gracias por la información.

What would be your variety with more and better sativa effect? Maybe between Exoeva and Harley Quinn? Health and thanks for the information.


Todas las que llevan Lebanon#1 a pesar que es indica pura aporta en el cruce un efecto parecido a las sativas. aunque no es solo el efecto, el vigor también lo comparten, con el que hay que lidiar a la hora de cultivarla en interior, ExoEva que es la que te parece que mas te llama tiene dichos genes.
Harley en cambio es mas de efecto físico y también mas manejable en interior


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Podrías describirme el efecto psicoactivo de ExoEva un poco, por favor?

Could you describe the psychoactive effect of ExoEva a bit, please? Thank you.

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I show you exoevania outdoors …
Minutes before the cut …

A greeting!!!


Hola Mig, la llevo cultivando 3 años seguidos por su efecto, es muy equilibrado, con mente despierta, energizante y activa, también me gusta mucho por su poca carga física, es de esas plantas que te dejan hacer de todo pero a medida que vas fumando va subiendo, crea poca tolerancia, eso si yo acostumbro a cosechar con tricomas lechosos y muy pocos ambares, se la sobremaduras se hara mas pesada fisicamente pero mente despierta.
A ver si pasa GeneSeeds y comenta

Hi Mig, I have been cultivating it for 3 years followed by its effect, it is very balanced, with an alert mind, energizing and active, I also like it a lot because of its low physical load, it is one of those plants that let you do everything but as you go smoking goes up, creates little tolerance, that is, if I usually harvest with milky trichomes and very few ambars, the overrun will become heavier physically but mind awake
Let’s see if GeneSeeds passes and comments


Very interesting. Is the Lebanese landrace genetics?

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nada que añadir veo que la conoces perfectamente;)

Saludos compañero

Yes, they come from Lebanese landraces, although they are rare genotypes that we have been selecting and worked to stabilize them, for example Lebanon # 1 that is characterized by exotic aromas that are difficult to describe, with a lot of vigor and that transmits these traits well to the progeny. also stands out Lebanon # 3 with intense earthy aromas and some pretty curious winter colors, sometimes it seems like splashes of red blood on the tips



Cultivation remains illegal, but there is apparently an exemption made for men aged over 60 and women aged over 55.

Apparently us oleskoolers are treated better in Uzbekistan than we are in Texas! Anasha for all my friends!


@GeneSeeds is also on STRAINLY :v:


I upload a video of the stand of GeneSeeds in Spannabis 2018



It was a pleasure to share with you some good smoking, thank you very much for those seeds of Black Lebanon, you will see them grow, flower and for the next fair to taste