Genetic Bank

So I pulled it out and I forgot about all the guides and supply info and basically the extra stuff it comes with, it’s like 150 pages for all of it. I’ll run down to kinkos this week and get it scanned into a PDF and get it sent over to ya. Best part about this guide is it’s geared towards “medicinal plants” and the ingredients, measurements, etc fit cannabis specifically.


Above and beyond the Call of Duty @Naptown916.

Much Appreciated,

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The first thing I do when I get interested in something is to collect as much information as I can about it. I got interested in PTC about 3 years ago, and, while I have a lot of information about it, I don’t have yours, and I must have it too. :grinning:

I built a HEPA flow hood, ordered a starter kit, and got after it. :slight_smile: Callus and shoots I can get almost every time, but I have never produced a single root. Not once. :cry:

I retrieved a cache of documents from Ole’ Miss, and I’ve used their media formulations in my work. I have those, some other canna PTC docs, and a couple of general PTC books in Dropbox if anyone’s interested. Dropbox

There’s one document called Hemp Kit that came with the starter kit we bought. It’s really handy in that all the procedures are right there, from general lab techniques, taking and sterilizing explants, to the media recipes needed for each stage of growth. There’s even a media recipe for starting seeds in vitro.

@Naptown916, if you can help me get roots going, I’ll build a little stone shrine to you down by the creek. :grinning:

Seriously, thanks for offering this knowledge to the community. :v:


Incredibly generous. I’d love a copy if I may.


There is a lab here in New England that was started by a bunch of PhDs from the local state university that does really excellent work on TC and micropropagation. They offer a bunch of classes which aren’t cheap but by all accounts are as good as it gets, and also sell media and hormones for anyone who’s doing it at home:


I also wanted to post this, the document is a little older and mostly about propagating bamboo, but I’ve never seen the history of TC laid out like this, it’s very interesting!


didn’t know about this one – seems like a good company (at least by products)


Yes, i would definitly want someone to store my LAndraces.

But my Interest would be long term Storage, like Decades long.

So, the problem for me as a Costumer would be if i can trust somebody really knows that he WILL have the Lab in Decades still.

Then its also interesting for landrace Lovers because they are often bizzy finding the best Line, not bizzy selecting their Strains. With tissue Culture i could simply send the best Pheno, and request one every year to grow that one out.

For me PERSONALLY it would be gold. The missing link for Landrace lovers, who have problems keeping their Strains alive AS IS because of the inbreeding Depression that will occur after generations of reproducing the line Pure…

So, that would be great if you would like build a network of multiple Peoples with Labs , so you can garanty rather that youre still providing the Storage in Decades after Decades… If i send Sample and after 3, 4 Years youre gone, then i risked my Line getting patented (because i as a Costumer have problems to know what youre up to) , without sooooo much of service.
But if its Decades, and focussed on longtermstorage. Jesus, thats gold.
Honestly i had the same Idea. Not that i plan dooing that, but the Idea i had.


and i would pay 800 dollar for a strain stored for decades


We’ll i need some help y’all. I stopped by FedEx today after work thinking this would be a quick thing, but at 49 cents a page to SCAN and 175ish pages y’all do the math. So I gotta find a more cost effective way to get it scanned. Any ideas? I don’t mind paying I wouldn’t mind having a digital backup anyways but that’s steep.

Side note I could physically COPY it for 17 cents a page… figure that out 🤦🏼


just think if they did a culture tissue on the “orginal” Road Kill Skunk !!!


You’re right, having faith in someone to store your genetics for a decade would be quite the ask. If I offered that, it’d be a hard task to guarantee the longevity so I would understand the concern. There’s something that could be worked out though, like you mentioned a network of banks within the community. As long as that network is continuing to educate the up and comers I think we could make something like that work

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I think you’re better off takin the stuff for free and sellin high end tissue cultured “clones”. you’d have a hundred as many people buying clean hi-tek clones as the one guy who has a perfect old durban or skunk and wants to keep it.

build your library and sell it. you can charge people who wanna keep their baby secret and exclusive. librarize your genetics.


I think Kinko’s is way cheaper than FedUp!
And any modern multi-function laser printer can scan pages and produce a PDF file. Got a friend with one? Or maybe at work in the off hours?

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Yeah I gotta find one with a feeder tray, mine just does one page at a time. We will over come though lol.

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I would never keep things clean enough

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Do you have a DOI # for the publication?
That and a name and I may be able to find it?

I’m not sure what a DOI number is? There’s no ISBN. I was looking through the attic though and found a cd that had the info on it I’m not sure. I think it will be easier to access that and hopefully it’s got a copy of the book :crossed_fingers:

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A DOI is a permanent ID that, when appended to in the address bar of an Internet browser, will lead to the source. For example, will take you directly to the information page for the article “An Analysis of the Pricing of Traits in the U.S. Corn Seed Market.”

It’s usually on the title page of the document. If your doc has one, I’m sure Libgen has it. Does that doc have a title?