Germination - what am I doing wrong?

Yeah, I backed off stressing on it @Foreigner . It’s obviously seed issue. I might’ve been putting a little too much water but I’ve fixed that now.

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Yeah, I probably was overthinking it. I guess I just don’t have a lot of experience germinating seeds and I’ve never had seeds that are easy to pop. It’s always been a struggle for me. Once I have sprouts, I’m good to go :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I mean, that’s really all I do. And then when I don’t get sprouts, I come on here and ask questions.

I don’t even think I reached out until I was hitting my third batch of seeds going into week two or three w/ no sprouts.

But yeah… old seeds hard to sprout :exploding_head:

It’s all cool by me, ask away anytime
I learned patience is key with this, preparing the right conditions will have you reaching your goals.
Victory Loves Preparation


Oh yeah for sure man and I really appreciate you guys feedback. I learned a lot on this thread.

It was definitely starting to drive me crazy thinking it was something that I was doing wrong causing them not to germ. Maybe a little too much water on some of the towel… but mostly just old seeds issue I think.

I’ve got a cup just like that sitting on my windowsill under a CFL bulb with probably 15 to 25 seeds in the dirt.

From here on out, we don’t stress if we don’t get sprouts, we just move onto new seeds. And that lesson is thanks to this thread so again thank you :pray:

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What is that thing they are on?

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Just curious, what is your process for separating them for the transplant?

It’s just a cheap little plastic container with 2” of water in it.

I’d use solo cups but I don’t have any.

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Yeah, and see again some people just do it straight water without issue… that’s why I just keep going back to these being bad/old seeds

A couple users have reached out to me on here and I have a few packs coming in the mail :green_heart:

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It works. It’s just not my preferred method because picking them up with tweezers safely is a pain.

Also I feel it’s a little slower than direct sowing. No real evidence for this just a vibe.

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Whatever works best for you…doesn’t really matter, if they make it in the end.


Patience is the key

I recently was attempting to crack 5 seeds (germination test on the seed project)
June 25 I soaked in water over night
Then in a paper towel after like 5 days still nothing so I scuffed the seeds ( its probably how I lost one lol today i noticed 3 tails started so 11 days before i saw anything

Now these seeds are fresh off the plant so there not old

Morale to the story is always scuff your seeds and it takes a good deal of patience to see them grow

Ps I hate autocorrect I need to check everything lol


And that some seeds just don’t end up popping… Most of the seeds I’m dealing with here are up to 25 years old.

@DopeKiller - Here’s my Window still container- been going for almost a month now… probably has about 25 seeds in there- I assume they just aren’t viable at this point… but who knows… this still gives them a ‘last chance’… better than just tossing them IMHO… but yeah… much different than yours, lol!

Is there a better medium out there to germinate in? sure… this is just some basic germination mix … very light stuff.

I ordered a little germ. kit from AC infinity and a bag of root riot cubes just to simplify this whole process for the future.

And apparently this has been a lifelong issue of mine… I totally forgot about this old thread…Im really stepping on my own toes here not having had replaced this stock by now:


Old seeds are a pita

I cracked 18 seeds maybe 15 years old and only to get 4 mature plants all the rest either didn’t crack it dampen off

A friend recommended take old seeds place in freezer over night it some how seems to help


There’s truth to that- the temp flux can ‘shock’ them, simulating a change in season… something along those lines… there’s a scientific term for it


It’s stratification.


Yes it’s derived from the Latin word stratum

Haha just messin about , gonna roll another


There’s no Latin in plant nomenclature :rofl:

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Into day three this morning… I’m not doing anything wrong… light amount of water and in the dark… just aren’t responding :man_shrugging:

I’ll probably let them sit in there for a couple weeks before I toss em in the graveyard

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@Foreigner Damn it I’ve been rumblied

I am smart tho honest

Maybe they will start to do it if enuf people ask ?

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