Germination - what am I doing wrong?


Lmfao yes! That is what I did :ok_hand:

Edit: Well, actually, the paper towels were two perfectly cut squares placed on top of each other, but I did the rest exactly like that

Guaranteed no pooling under the seeds

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Perfect : )
It’s hard to tell how wet towels are in photos
They look way better than last time
But to be sure I get you to do tilt as safety measure

Not a bad pic , in work , terrible pen and blue roll is all I had to work with haha

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I went against my nature and held back a spray or two…

nice work… I’m surprised you didn’t rip that Kleenex

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That was second attempt
: )

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That’s pretty clever!


@rasterman its just a take on the vertical ziplock bag tech
With it you can go even more vertical as sides of bag hold towels more firmly in place

The more vertical you can go the straighter tap roots will be ( ease of planting later as no wild curling of taps )

Was just adapting it to Tupperware box and it’s limitations ( minor , don’t want towels to collapse to bottom of box as towel only gripped on one side )
The vertical bag tech is used for straighter tap roots but it was noticed that a side effect was it removed the chance of water logging as excess fluid was moved away from seeds to lower of towel
In experiment two rows of same seeds from same packet were placed in towel
The top row was well more developed than the lower row

The guy is a seasoned grower and wets towels perfectly ( think he does a pre soak too ) even then the drier part of the towel the row of seeds was better


Looks a bit wet to me, I might wring it out a bit more or dab some water out with another paper towel. You don’t want them getting soggy
Looking back in your other pictures from the past day or so they all appear to be very wet. You only need it damp


The towels in latest pic does look drier to me than before
Is it enough , I’m not sure as photos hard to judge
But the tilt should put the odds in our favour for sure
The towel will become slightly drier as rh rises in tub plus the bonus of the tilt will dry towel around seeds also hopefully to perfect conditions

The seeds he’s workin with are old or bought from not the best of vendors
Germination rates will be lower/low

That’s the seed popin game , win some lose some , we just give it our best shot
: )

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Come tomorrow
Keep tub tilted
And carefully open lid
Look in at bottom crease of tub see if any water there as a gauge for excess and dab out
Then look at how wet bottom of towel is compared to top ( for science )
Then set Tub flat and look at seeds then reset

Give you an idea how good your watering was / is

The vertical towel gradient ( moist to wet ) will probably be more extreme
But the 45 degree tilt should work as well , same similar effect

Lookin forward to the pics
Pretty cool your pioneering this new tek to help with germinating seeds in towels

The original experiment was done by @DannyTerpintine was him that noticed seeds up in drier part of towel performed better than seeds in wetter lower part of towel
Even tho towel was perfect wetness going into bag the effect of gradient proved that horizontal towel could be better even drier again maybe

I might do experiment and see if I can pop successfully in just high rh no towels in tub one day , just let seed absorb moisture from the high rh in air no standing water kind of
With scuffed seeds

The world of growing has changed so much over the years it’s about time seed popin got a tweek to give us more control from the ill fitting plates and paper towels of the past ( 1920 ‘s ? When did Tupperware come out lol )

I’m cooked ha

: )

just for fun -

full a shot glass with water, add a drop of hydrogen peroxide

put seeds in - floating - just let them float…

put it on the heat mat ~ 80


you should see a tail in 1 - 7 days

plant and prosper


Yep that will do the trick aswell.
Update on the City Slicker, 1 already dropped the shell and is about to pop, 36 hours ±


No roots yet … I added a single drop of this into my spray bottle - peroxide and 0% bleach :crossed_fingers:

Just kidding… I’m gonna stock up on some cloning supplies today I’m thinking rockwool cubes and something like this:

3 day update as promised:

Got 9 outta 11, not too bad :wink:
Gonna give them 1-2 more days to see if the remaining 2 gonna pop, if not then off to the mini cups they go :green_heart:


Wait, remind me in the process again. That can’t be three days post germination

Look at the time stamp of the post where I planted them, and today they look like this.

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Man, you already have sprouts after three days… I’m still waiting on taproots on those two seeds from almost 3 days ago.

New seeds on the way, thank goodness

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Some split faster than others.

I haven’t looked at this whole thread yet but it seems to me like your seeds are either dead already or you are overthinking it.

Just for reference this is what I do sometimes:

Note they are sunk in a container of water. No need to adjust dampness.

More often though I just direct sow:

It’s my preferred method.

Best of luck.


I told you, you over think it too much imo
Just do it as casual as possible and create the best conditions for success
Ph water before at room temp
Kinda cloggy soil not too loose
Keep in warm place or under the sun
Check every couple of hours and moist a lil
That’s it.

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