Germination - what am I doing wrong?

Peace of mind now

You got dud seeds it’s not you

Just keep pop in
: )


exactly :slightly_smiling_face: - not stressed about that… was only stressed thinking it was me

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I like the moisture level in towel up were seeds are in pic ( Matt not shiney )
Never go beyond that
Spot on : )

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I just rip the cup from the side and touch it a lil so the soil will get loose, then I just grab them gentley and put them in their new home
The whole process requires some finesse but not too much.


I will occasionally put more than one seed in a pot. Not as many as you but when they pop I dig them up with a tablespoon and replant in another container.

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A steady hand and a strong will required.

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Sounds violent :kissing_heart:


I rub a balloon on my chest and hover it above the cup
( can take a while , so hydrate and eat something beforehand )


Just for grins, I tossed about 40 seeds of an auto cross I made and a bunch came up. The two I kept will be ready for harvest possibly as early as next weekend, and another seed from that set just popped its head out of the soil in their pot.

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Last teaser for ya bro, 10 outta 11 lol, I doubt the last one will ever pop, but GPS came through so far in all the seeds I’ve put from him (90% germ rates) so I’m a happy camper :muscle:

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Believe we all have periods of NO Germination with seeds - here are some things that one might try:
– use a product called “re-charge” to spray on paper towel when putting in plastic bags or tupperware
– use heat mat in 24hr soak then when seeds are in baggie (some sort of container-air tight) (make sure you DON’T overheat !!)
– some folks use a scuffle board to crack seeds before putting them in h20 soak
Then the most of all – pray to the Seed God for help with germination !!!


Hi all
I just made some seeds so they should be easy to crack WRONG

I forget to scuff the seeds and this batch especially has a outer thin case that needed to be scraped off
Then I scuffed them placed in the freezer then into wet paper towels ( not too wet remember )

So we shell see
The first batch I tried sat in the tower for 1 week nothing so I scuffed them and actually forgot about them 1 week later 2 of the 4 had tails but it was like 14 to 20 days before I saw life be patient

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I never scuff, although that sounds like a good way to crack those hard ones to pop.

Hi all this works well for me

Plastic tub with lid and lined with sponges ( the sponge Absorbs the excess water

Seeds scuffed to remove outer skin / membrane
Then scuffed again
Placed in freezer 1 hour
Then in paper towel moist
Then placed in container and stored in closet
36 hours
I see tails this time some take longer


I wonder if there’s a difference between something like that and just straight up cracking the seed to start out (gently). I feel like all of these different techniques are basically the same thing repackaged… If that makes sense?

Can’t wait to try some fresh ones. I haven’t seen tails like that yet at all after a month of trying.

Yes that works
There’s a device that cracks seeds some use teeth some use a needle nose pliers

Teeth work :tooth: my fake ones don’t work anymore lol can’t feel how hard I’m pressing

I don’t like the seed cracker that’s out on the market I break too many seeds with it

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I just use a pair of tweezers very very gently until I hear a slight crack and then stop. It’s usually pretty easy to not harm the seed if you’re careful.

I still think most healthy seeds shouldn’t need this sort of intervention, but sometimes they definitely do.

But yeah, again I think the general idea is to allow the water to get inside easier with the scuffing/cracking. Probably safer to scuff

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I use vice grips so you can dial the pressure on using the adjustment screw at the bottom. Hope that makes sense.

I don’t even try my teeth as I have not got the control to do that reliably.


That will work well

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