Germination - what am I doing wrong?

Yeah, works for me when needed. I ate a lot of top shelf genetics before figuring this trick out :smiley:


I’d scuff it with sandpaper. I would probably break more seeds than I saved trying to crack the shell.


Perfect minus one germination:

This is not my picture but at a buddies house.


I just popped some 12 year old seeds. But these had been refrigerated. Not left on someone’s dresser for 4 years and then sent to someone else’s disappointment.

I basically used johnny potseed’s method. Difference was 1) after soaking in water with peroxide I slit an aloe vera leaf and stuck them in there 6 hours. 2) I stuck some paper under the plastic dish I had the worm castings in and then covered the dish with a plastic bag you get at the store for veggies.

First ones popped in less than 24 hours. The rest were done before the third day.

Weed growers massively overcomplicate seed starting. With fresh, viable seed, or even seed that’s been stored properly for a few years, sowing directly in a good, well draining soil mix should have a high success rate with seeds above ground in three to five days. Of course, it is important to be in a good temperature range. High seventies is ideal. If you’re using a propagation heat mat be sure to use a digital thermostatic controller. Otherwise it’ll be way too hot.


Says the guy who probably never had seeds not germinate.

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Why so grouchy all the time?


I’m with him, good seeds should pop within 3 days to 5 days max if all conditions are proper and by proper it really comes down to some soil and water

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Easy with that heat mat @spillz907

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Since getting a new batch of seeds, I probably have a 95% germination rate.

I might get some gibberellic acid to try with them later because there’s some really good genetics in there but… Yeah, this ultimately ended up being a case of banging my head against old seeds for about a month.

Although I do admit, I was using too much water to begin with. That being said a lot of people germinate in water so… Again, healthy seeds shouldn’t have problems for the most part.


Stoked you got some new seeds that are working for you and bummed for the expensive you had to go through with your germination woes with the other seeds you had saved.

I think you speak on something about seeds that’s so true. Healthy viable seeds will usually germinate in spite of things rather than need a perfect environment for germination. I like to think that for whatever reason the universe wanted you to have the seeds you have now instead of the ones you had that didn’t germinate. That these new ones for you will have great plants that you and others will enjoy and find great utility out of. As if the universe fast tracked awesomeness to you. Many blessings and much love