Germination - what am I doing wrong?

Which ones were those? I don’t mind rerouting, even if I’ve sent yours. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!! “NO” is ONLY if you ain’t got 'em. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ok the deed is done,
These are the last Im gonna put for this outdoor season.
I picked City Slicker, and it had 11 seeds in the pack.
So I’m starting with some room temp water 25-28c pH to 6.5 just so the seedlings has a nice start when they pop.
The cup in question:

Poke some holes so extra water can drain

My soil for germination is a tad more compact
For reference here is a pic of my clone soil and seedling, the clone soil has more coco and fibers, the seedlings more peat, as I want to create a sort of hugging effect around the seeds.

Ok now I just water the soil normally and make 11 1/2 cm holes with this small seed holder and place the seeds inside

Now it’s kind of crucial, I just cover them ever so slightly, not pushing or tightening, just covering them making sure some soil fell into the holes and everything looks even.
I sprinkle some more water on top just to settle everything in place and i put them under a strong 150w cfl, tent temps are 30c + at night and probably close to 40c at day, but they don’t care and it actually is very helpful (heat and excessive heat) as long as they are moist.

Every couple of hours I come check if it’s moist or kinda dry, I always try to not getting to kinda dry and keep it moist not swimming, so I just spray some water on top but you could water normally just don’t over water.
Btw the strong cfl is only to emit heat directly at the cup as you wanna “cook” it slowly sort of speak haha but you can put it in the sun aswell no problem just look after it.

See you In 3 days :green_heart:


I’ll be watching!..

That’s sort of my take as well… make sure the seeds are moist and ‘hugged’ to some extent… if you can keep that and add a little heat then :ok_hand:

Good luck! I’m sure you won’t need it


This is the simplest way, you’d think the paper towel is simpler but it’s higher maintenance and more room for error when you handle them
Just make sure heat is around them, normal sunny day or a lamp, and don’t drown them, your guaranteed success and if not I will send you a pack so feel confident !
Best of luck and wishes :muscle:


@misterbee cap junky s1
From @LoveDaAutos ?
: )


Have them PM “Personals/Deets”. Not a problem. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Get on it @spillz907 pm him your deets
: )

Thankyou @misterbee your a star


Just wow thank you so much @ifish @misterbee

I’m seriously humbled.


I’ve not totally finished reading through, but if you’re invested in your old seeds you can’t seem to pop, I’d be willing to try a few. Could trade you some fresher seeds and see if the old ones do any better over here. Could always shoot a cut over if it’s something you like! Could probably even toss you a cut over that way if you’re in the US. Goodluck though my friend. These people are the best of the people.


Is there a thread here with more details on this? I’ve been wanting to try this strain, just didn’t want to pay the $450 they were asking for an oz of it here.

Omg man…


Yeah, I’ll get back to you later when I get home from work. I’ll send you a pm

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Not sure , fire , capjunky s1 into search bar maybe

I’m nearly positive @LoveDaAutos was the man with the plan

Think @GCBudz did capjunky x chem91 ???
Hard to keep track with all this fire
They would also be a great score for you , but you’d have to ask around
They both Killer and fresh , I have a pack but I have them in a death grip lol
: )


Yep you got it … @LoveDaAutos

:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: … looks … intimidating.

Can’t wait.

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Wait did u use straight peroxide?? That would not be recommended… as it’s nothing but peroxide and nuteientless water… 1 teaspoon in a coffee cup of water… keep dark… keep warm 24 hour soak… then straight into a medium… just try that 1 time with 1 seed

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Make a post on the seed trading thread. There are a lot of great genetics here.


The solution I was 3% peroxide, probably diluted down by half just a couple sprays so probably about 1% peroxide. Clipped the tips off and sprayed them just a minute ago.

Not much to lose at this point… i’m going hard on them now

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I think the answer to this thread is … nothing. They are really old seeds.

Once I get this grow stabilized, my tent finished set up, enough females to fill it out, and restock some seeds, I’m probably going to reach out and gift most of these out to anyone who wants to give them a go. @resimax @ifish @DirtySlowToes @rasterman

Thanks again to anyone who responded. I appreciate all perspectives.

I’ll follow up here if the clipping/peroxide ends up helping them at all.



Don’t forget the aloe trick as well @spillz907

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