Germination - what am I doing wrong?

Oh yeah- I can finally use my giant aloe plant for something since we don’t get sunburned here. Thanks for the reminder!


Yessir!!! Anytime gromigo

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decent vs mosquito bites, scratches and whatnot too.
just dont use when u got shingles (aloe can increase it).
def the other plant id always like to have. And Bamboo… they make such nice sticks… and sticks are so useful… you can use em to, point at things, and such.

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I got the cane many times in school lol


Well, still nothing. Added hydrogen peroxide clip the tips off 24 hours a later we have absolutely nothing. I just added some aloe this morning, so I’ll give it another day and I’ve just about had it with these things. I think I’m just gonna have to make do with this four sprouts I have and hope for females

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Your towels look a lot better
: )
If you raise an end of the plate and put seeds at top end of towel even better
You will have nice gradient in towel from moist to wet ( gravity )
Moist were seeds are , to wetter where roots want to go


The heat pad evaps the moisture pretty quick at 82… they are getting fresh water every 12 hours… I don’t know what else I can do at this point!

I’ve got 3 other batches going with the same amount of seeds in each batch with the same result…

Do you guys think it’s too late to try another batch of more fresh seeds? The ones I just bought? I’d really like to get a couple more females and these ones are feminized. They just cost me $100 and so far only one out of four have germinated so even those are a 25% rate, I’m hesitant, but I’m also sort of like fuck it right now

is that the photos color or are these seeds really that dark and black? O.o

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Yeah man, they’ve been soaking for weeks. They didn’t start that way. Part of that is glare but they are soaked and dark at this point yes.

I’m gonna toss them tomorrow and possibly try to germ another 2 or 3 of the fems I bought but I’m losing confidence fast.

I did not expect to hit such trouble right out of the gate lol

These are Cap Junky or CJ91 beans that won’t germinate? I’m a bit lost, thanks for the tag @ifish

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No, @GCBudz these are bag seed that are up to 25 years old.

The ones in the picture are anyway. I have a combination of bag seed up to 25 years old. Genetics from here that are about eight years old. And 12 feminine seeds that I just bought last week from a local breeder.

So far I’ve had 0 bagseeds germ. Two of the 8 year olds from @50State and @99PerCent, one fresh fem I just bought and one purple berry bag seed I saved from a nug a year ago… so probably feminized.definitely well under a 10% rate from varying ages, mostly very very old.

I clipped the tips last night and can see little white spots where I clipped, but nothing is moving. I just don’t get it.

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Well… guess my thumb is just brown.

@GCBudz its all good
I won capjunky s1 from mrbee
Because @spillz907 was havin probs and rockin thru all his seeds ( old ) I got mrbee to send him the ones I won
Someone said they might be cap x 91 I was just confirming they were not and from lovedaautos capjunky s1


They ship out tomorrow. Should be here in about a week. I’m not sure if I want to save them for the next run, though I feel like I’m still dusting off the rust with this grow run.

I’m gonna post a picture of the seeds that I bought here locally and see if you guys think they’re immature they don’t have stripes and on the smaller side… That’s one thing I’ve been noticing is the ones without stripes tend to pop less.

I haven’t started to germinate the 8 I have left yet, but I’m considering it today. This will be my last try for this run anyway. There really shouldn’t be a reason I don’t get sprouts from these ones. I just purchased them from a breeder last week and he said they were inside of a year old. Paid about $8 per seed

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Do the capjunky this run , hit the ground running , life is too short to wait fuck that lol
If you need more seeds for next run just hit me up
Simple : )

In fact fire me your safe address on pm and I’ll sort next run out now

Always pop more than you need , that’s the golden rule
: )

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I tried I swear to God. I burned through 40 seeds to get four sprouts LMAO.


Also a Tupperware box is better as it traps in humidity ( sealed lid )

Two plates isn’t as good

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That being said, I only have a 2 x 4 tent so it’s gonna be four plants max this girl probably three

Don’t forget about the weak and mutants

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I’ve got 4 batches going, two plates, two tupperwares