Germination - what am I doing wrong?

Put them on tilt : )

Lookin good

I only use heat if dark place they in too cold
If room temp 25c or above I don’t bother with mat

That one might do something… it’s one of the new seeds

The brown is the aloe

Shiney lookin ? The towel , too wet

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White tip popping out. But I clipped it off yesterday so I expected it to be longer this morning.

Seed is maybe drowned
The insides have swollen forcing tail out but maybe seed be dead

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I agree. Even though that was a new one I bought last week it’s not alive.

You may have drowned it
Towel is very wet
Plus you have compounded the situation with another too wet on top

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Possibly. That one went right into paper towel and just never really did anything. It’s been under a heat Matt for the last few days. And get checked twice a day, giving it fresh oxygen and possibly more water if it’s dried out 🤷

I also put aloe on it and gave it freshwater right before I took that picture. It was fairly dry this morning when I checked it.

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The towels dried when in sealed Tupperware ?

I think your level of wet is different to mine
: )

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Fair. Well, at least I had these old ones on to practice before I get the cap junkies :slight_smile: I’ll tone back the water and see what happens.

Most of the water does condensate on the top after a few hours under the mat, but yeah. I’m the one having problems here not you.

I think you’re onto something now because these seeds are definitely soaked. It’s not an issue of moisture not getting into the Shell. I’m ready to move past this :tired_face:

thanks again and happy 4th!

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Don’t forget that safe address
: )

Yes remember the seed has already absorbed water
The rh in Tupperware is enough to keep seed happy and any root that pops out
In side of tub is probably 100% rh
: )

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This is a great point and makes :100: sense.

You’re right I should probably be pulling the water back once they are soaked. I mean some people just tell recommend dropping them in water, but we’re not dealing with fresh seeds here.

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Most people just replicate what they read and keep trying different things to find one that works for them

I like to teach the understanding , teaching you to visualise etc

Sets your mind in right direction for all of grow


I’m gonna go smoke a joint stop worrying about this. It will come through in the end.

You guys are the best. :green_heart:


I’ll have one tooo lol


Someone needs seeds just let me know I have plenty of regular seeds you can practice on
No problem


@Papalag , og thru n thru , respect
: )


How does this look? These are fresh, feminized. Placed in a cupboard, no added heat, Tupperware lid airtight, ambient heat in the cupboard high 70s F. No chemicals, straight SE Alaska non-flourinated* tap water (rain water from a reservoir). Just put them in 5 minutes ago.

Is there any reason you can see here that these shouldn’t germinate? Too much water?

Those are my last two seeds from that six pack. Bought it last week for $50. Only one has germinated from it.


Deffo looks way better

See where the fold in the towel is
Put seeds up there
Then tilt that side of box up higher
So moisture runs away from seeds and the wettest part of towel is lower and away from seeds , gravity ( as a bonus )

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Done. Plan to check once a day. Hoping to see taproots in 48-72 hours.