Get Mars Hydro Product for $1 - 24 Hours Only

Congratulations @BigMike55!! :clap:
Enjoy! You deserve the win my friend!!


Why’d you tag me? I’m not interested in this shit haha! But thanks. I guess? Haha… I’m not signing up for shiiiiiiit, though. I don’t do giveaways and contests and whatever.

Edit: just saw what this post was even for. “To celebrate Prime Day”? Uh, no. I do not support Amazon in any way, shape or form. Amazon can suck my dick.


You should say how you REALLY feel.


So what’s going on here?

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I think they give you free shipping with that.


So can I put you down for a Prime membership then?


I always do, dude.

free two day shipping lol, fast n free cant beat that

Another thread that is starting to feel like I’m not wanted here. After winning and all.


You won fair and square, no reason anyone should feel upset or have hard feelings over it.


No way man. You won a fantastic item from a great vendor. Just because others are brash and boorish does not devalue your win in any way whatsoever. Those are their trips… These are the kinds of people who make lengthy posts in Facebook groups elucidating on why they are leaving the group instead of just leaving like a normal person.


Wait this had to do with Amazon. Boo

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I mean, I think it did. That’s what it says at the top: “To celebrate Prime Day, Mars Hydro is hosting a giveaway,” blahblahblah.… What’re they doing, trying to make “Prime Day” some sorta national holiday or something? Like,”Yay! Let’s all take the day off and order shit from the company that’s most responsible for destroying local businesses in your area!” I mean, between, Amazon, Target and Walmart… They can all fuck off.

Prime Day is not something anybody should be “celebrating,” unless you’re an outright capitalist who enjoys crushing brick-and-mortar businesses and not providing health insurance or benefits of any kind to your employees, despite the fact that you’re owned by the wealthiest man in the world. Literally, the wealthiest human being on the planet. I guess Prime Day’s cool then…


Man, I get it. You don’t like Amazon. you don’t like Mars Hydro. You don’t like contests. You don’t like giveaways.
My beef is why do you feel it’s important for you to come into another person’s thread and take a crap on them. If it’s something you don’t like, why not be civil about it? You could have said thanks, but no thanks and left.
I personally like Mars Hydro quite a bit. And I use Amazon, when I can’t find something local.
Mars Hydro became a sponsor with OG and you want to be shitty to them. Nice invitation to our community. Sarcasm.


@BigMike55 Happy Saturday big dude! Congratulations on the win again! Excited to hear what projects you get into with your new tent. Don’t let negative energy sully your victory!


Congrats! @BigMike55 enjoy your tent!


Ya Mike, listen to the half horse half Roger…Ride a Rock…or something.


Well, one, somebody tagged me on this thread; I didn’t “come into another person’s thread.” And then Kasper replied to my initial comment, so I responded.

And two, I haven’t mentioned you or even thought about you. I’m certainly not “taking a crap” on you. Get over yourself, dude. Not everything’s about you. I don’t fucking care who won this contest. Enjoy your light, dude.

I didn’t say you crapped on me. I said you took a crap in Mars Hydros thread.
Why are you making this personal between me and you?
I was just wanting you to lighten up. That’s all.
It’s all your attitude, not mine.


And just because you were tagged into the thread, doesn’t mean you should come in and say f Amazon, F giveaways, f contests. and pretty much f MH.
You could a just been civil and said Not interested and quietly leave. But, no, you wanted to make sure everyone knew your dismay with the world. I’m sure @MarsHydro didn’t appreciate it either.