Getting beans to folk

Ey up. Sorry admin if this is the wrong space for this post. Seemed appropriate to my tiny lickle brain …. Now, I have some beans that are of some use to a member here (@JAWS ). Is there a way, a go between perhaps that could get a few packs out to him? I’m in England and he’s in the US. I’ve never sent owt that was destined for anywhere further than Swansea. So any help would be appreciated.


What are we talkin bout here?
If its simply a pack or a few I would…

Repackage the beans inside a hose washer folded into a coin flip. Maybe add a little chunk of cotton for extra protection. Make sure that you have enough postage, and off they go!


I think it’s more a case of me not being MI6 than owt. Just personal security around contact details. It’s some cheesy pips for Jaws.

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As stated :arrow_double_up:, get you a Greeting Card, Hose Washer, and “Coin Flip”. Tape the “Flip” to the INSIDE of Card, Mail Envelope. The Hose Washer is to prevent the Rollers on the Mail Sorting Machines from crushing the enclosed seeds. Personally, I pay the extra, nominal Charge to have the Envelope stamped “Non Machinable”, though it’s not really necessary. You can insert THREE/3 Coin Flips per Envelope before encountering additional Weight issues. GOOD LUCK, take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i’ll do it. dm me and i’ll send my address.


How much extra is that?

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US…I think 22 or 24 Cent. It’s worth it to me as I have seen the horrors of some of the Rollers. Some of the Distributions Centers are still working with antiquated equipment. Speed up the Sorting Process is a Recipe for “Powdered Seeds”. NO THANK YOU!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I buy the non-machinable stamps a lot. Like you say worth.

:green_heart: :seedling:

Coin flips and hose washers.

And a fake return address.

Should be fine.


No return address needed for letter in NZ, dunno about UK I’ve forgotten.

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I didn’t know that. What would happen if you just dropped it in the box with no return address and no stamps?

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We have to hand everything over the counter now to be weighed and stamped, no post boxes anymore.

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Wow that’s a pain in the ass. I hate going to the post office. They’re so nosy.


Yeah theres this one lady that stares at you like you’re doing something wrong and of course I am😅


Turns out sending things internationally isn’t quite the cake walk I was thinking.

I’ll just address it. Pay for postage and forget about it. Nooooo. You have to fill in a customs sticker. The lady insisted. I had to use an old address n that. Say what was in there. Fuck knows if they’ll open it. She said they will. If they do someone’s just won about £400 worth of cheese :rofl:

Coin flip/washer in a card fits in a reguar letter which should not require any kind of customs declaration anywhere in the world as far as I know. That’s what I like about it. I have sent and received seeds that way from and to a lot of places, even got some into China.


You don’t need to complete a customs form if:

You’re sending a letter or large letters only containing correspondence, commercial invoices or shipping documents.


Do I need to complete a customs declaration?
Items containing Personal Correspondence do not require a CN22 or CN23. Personal Correspondence is letters, brochures, catalogues, C4 and below addressed to an individual (that are not sale of goods), postcards, braille letters, individual invoices/statements.


Well fuck me. I asked the lady. You’d think she’d know. It’ll get there. I have faith … :eyes:

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Yes it’s surprising how much wrong information you can get at the postoffice. From personal experience and a lot what I read here. Luckily I can just throw things in a box and not be bothered by any human interaction for sending a letter.


Well they’ll either get there or they won’t now. It’s been pissing me off the last hour now. They’ve gone in the mail now. No point fretting.

Me all over this. I offer a helping hand and it ends up a big fat pain in the arse …

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