Anyone got chiquita banana?

You would be my fav person ever!!!
I’m a week and a half away from popping beans and this is the last one that has slipped through my fingers as a must run but sources fell through, if u have a few kicking around I’ve got hundreds of cultivars I’d be willing to let u choose from…
C’mon OG, make this guy’s dreams come true :slight_smile:


I have two Chiquita Banana beans, fems from WSE, yours for the taking mate, or did you want regs?


Fems are best, I’m going big on em for the summer and would be the one plant I don’t want a male taking up a ladies space missing out! Shoot me a message and I got a few good fems in mind I can kick ya back :slight_smile:

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Ok cool I’m in NZ

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Oh shit! I’ve never shipped international, if post office will ship it, I’ll send it


the only real deal cb seeds i seen are from hammer head genetics. Chiquita banana s1 seeds. He got the cut from the man who has the real deal cut himself aka rb26. Those are your best bet


That’s exactly the ones I’m after, hoping someone still has em in their seed vault somewhere


It’s clone only. Why don’t you buy from the source? Should be able to find it. I seen only on strainly before, clone company in Cali had them.

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There’s seeds for it somewhere, I’ve almost had em 3 diff times so I know they are out there, just gotta keep looking. I DO NOT do clones. I like my garden being pest free and don’t have time or space to be quarantine plants. I also need to start fresh plants that aren’t sexually mature in order to be able to keep em in veg for the summer and they catch on days are getting longer, I try to throw a clone out there with the rest and it’s just gonna try to flower then reveg. I’ve got over 200 cultivars and about 1300 seeds to offer up in trades, I’m to a point I’m not buying more seeds, If I can find it and make a happy trade for both involved then rock on, if not I’ll just work with what I have for the season, it never hurts putting out feelers though just in case someone got some in their vault that they arent gonna get to anytime soon.


EZ to do. Put them in a flip and washer. Then into a greeting card. One global stamp and one non machinable/extra oz .
No biggie.


Too many fakes out there. Those hammerhead cb s1s are the closest youll get to rb26’s chiquita banana. Sadly he sold his brand and he isnt in the game no more

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Also if you do get those cb s1 there are many hermy reports but some of the most famous strains like the chems hermy (sterile pollen) too. theres fire to be found in those packs,


Non-machineable extra oz.? sorry mate whats that?

We are talking about marijuana seeds right? :sweat_smile:

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Postage note to keep them from rolling it through the sorting machine and crushing your seeds


Oh ok thanks mate😊

Sorry! Here in the US you put an extra stamp ($0,30) if it is over 1 oz (most you can send for one stamp) or it is over .250" thick-non Machinable.

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Ok thanks, its all new to me😊