Getting older

Since the late 90’s I’ve made it a point that “If I can’t make it, and it’s gonna get me lifted, I don’t take it.”

Cannabis = :heavy_check_mark:
Hash = :heavy_check_mark:
Rosin = :heavy_check_mark:
Mushrooms = :heavy_check_mark:
Salvia Divinorum = :heavy_check_mark:

Things I’ve made for friends that I don’t consume as a non-drinker:

Absynthe = :heavy_check_mark:
Mead = :heavy_check_mark:
Wine = :heavy_check_mark:
Beer = :heavy_check_mark:

Things in my garden I refuse to consume for valid reasons:

Morning Glory (LSA) :x:
Brugmansia/Datura (alkaloids (atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine) :x:
Peyote (mescaline) :x:

Also the sheer costs of cartridges + generate waste and need to have an electronic device to be able to consume would make me feel like a fucking invalid.

If I have a nug of flower you can simply use fire and MacGyverisms and :boom: you’re lifted!


Morning glories are LSD? I thought LSD was a grass? Idk, I stay away from it because I’ll come untethered from reality and move the rest of the way up these mountains to be a mountain mamaw shooting at clouds.


I paid .01 for my 510 battery 2 years ago and am using it right now.


If you’re talking Argyreia nervosa my understanding is that it’s LSA.


I was thinking about the cartridges not the batteries @CocoaCoir . Granted I know some OGers make their own vape juice and use reusible cartridges. This is more in my ven-diagram than the toss-away type.


You are totally right! Thanks for the correction/reminder!


May I ask why you wouldn’t touch the peyote?
I had a nice grown cacti gifted from a friend who moved away. I wasn’t caring for it and it thrived. Then I started caring for it and put it in the tent to my plants, next day it was dead/ mushy in the middle. One of the dumbest idea I had :expressionless:

The morning glory I didn’t like especially I can’t figure out if there was an effect or not, it was very odd and around 20 years ago lol


I consider him a companion now. :sweat_smile:
I traded a Salvia Divinorum rooted cutting for him in the late 90’s and I can’t imagine consuming him ever. He’s like a pet now.


I only remember because I used to think it was LSD myself until I was informed otherwise :man_shrugging:

Likewise thank you for a reminder that I should never go near Datura again :dizzy_face:.


Fair enough lol

I tried to root the not mushy tip but it didn’t work out…


I began smoking at the age of 14 and I was growing plants before I turned 15. I have always smoked flower and hash. I have always passed it to people as good manners ( i.e. I will share my last peice of bread with a hungry stranger).
Things have changed drastically and the world is completely different now. We used to dream about having a homestead and growing our own plants. To be one with the land. To see our children grow strong. To enjoy the love of a good woman.
The modern world is sterile. People are afraid of dirt. They think everything in the natural world is out to kill them. They are completely disconnected from the REAL world. It makes me sad.
All my old friends are gone. I am the last. All things change. That is the nature of life.
May the Universe bless you and your garden. :rainbow:


Word! 10 characters


I have a grove of Brugmansia’s.

3x types, Yellow flowers, pink flower and white flower that turn pink with variegated leaves (Snowbank variety).

I started the yellows with a stick mailed to me from South America in the early 2000’s, the Pink was gifted to me by an eldery neighbour that passed away a few years ago, and I purchased the Snowbank from a nursery when I found it amongst a sea of non-varigated brugs. It was in a 1gallon pot and affordable as when I see these variants they are already established mini-trees that have a BIG price-tag!


Agreed! I keep sharing what I see in the natural world with those around me and they seem blind.

There are a lot of Hawks in my city due to the condo culture providing perfect habitats. I see them all the time and point them out but folks are either “where?” regardless of pointing at a 3ft bird in plain sight… or “oh wow I’ve never seen that before!”.

I see hawks every-other day, but then again I’m paying attention to my surroundings and forage in a metropolis as a result. lol.


my daughter grows 'shrooms, lsd comes from them. she has all sorts of strains and has bred her own customs ones for different things. like we do with weed almost, pretty cool.

you say that like it’s a bad thing. maybe the cloud thing, but if you’re on the top of the mountain you’re good.

edit: that was psilocybin, not lsd. lsd is the chemical extraction that mimics it.



Ive always lived super rural. There were 90 kids in my graduating class. Even out here people are weird about it. I bring eggs from the chickens into work and 90% of my coworkers are ecstatic. Fresh eggs from happy chickens are amazing. Nothing like the grocery.

But. The other 10% straight up will not eat farm eggs. It squeaks them out. The idea I picked these up out of my barn and brought them to work is just too much for them.

They trust big brother to bathe them in bleach, but they don’t trust Barb. Pic of the untrustworthy.

It’s cold up there. :joy:


You can grow all that stuff in Ontario? (If I’m wrong on your region or you don’t want to share, for obvious reasons, my bad - and nevermind me.)


Sounds like exactly the situation I run into with the younger folks! They just wanna smoke pens. But if I can convince them to smoke some good flower, they usually convert. My favorite trick is have them hit some really nice pressed temple ball hash. Even the stingy young folk who think hash is everything usually enjoy that stuff. My theory is just because good traditional hash will hit them sooo much harder than a pen, but also right away. And the younger generation loves that instant satisfaction.


I heard a joke:

There’s some good news and some bad news

The bad news is - the Hippies were correct. Not bathing, not using plastics, riding bicycles, eating organic food, living off the land, (sharing joints)… they were spot-on correct!

The good news is - all of humanity will be dead in 10 years, we did it to ourselves. Hippies are gross!



How can this be???
If you go to the top of a mountain, it should be warmer up there. Its closer to the sun.
Ok ill shut up now and take another bong rip.