Let's talk about High

Hello everyone,

Don’t you have the feeling that we are talking more and more about terpens, smell, frosty, THC,CBD,etc etc etc…
But less and less we are talking about the high.
To me the high is the most important aspect and not any type of high, but mainly celebral, intelectual, erotic, motivational, active, for daily use.

Difficult to say exactly which strains are the best, as I assume are different from everyone.
In my case sativas generically, but more specifically Thai, Laos …but also south American or the fast family of haze.

What about you?
What’s are you looking in the high?and which strains are you looking at?


I get white faced and scared by pure thc anymore so i need antagonists to calm me down from the paranoia. Strains like Durban poison make me feel just great with the thcv.

Usually I mix delta8, thc-o, cbg, and cbd into butter and use that as a tincture anymore since it’s very easy to dose my fat soluble kratom and some flavonoids I use to keep calm and fresh with as well.

I take my daily “meds” all at once this way! I get slightly “high” from the mix but just enough to solve my anger issues. Only about as high as taking one hit from a pipe would do but I’m probably using somewhere 150mg of cannabinoids total! Lovely for the body without putting me in outer space where I can’t get my work done on time :rofl:!


I think highs are so subjective that it’s easier to discuss things that we can see, smell, and quantify.

I enjoy a good soaring sativa high, but the relaxing indica high has its place too. My favorite highs encourage productive, and sometimes hyperfocused bouts that melt into either a mellow pleasant buzz, or couch lock. Duration is also appreciated, and I like me some blind peaking paranoia. The real good shit gives me the “gunna-dies” which is when I usually take too big of a hit by accident and within a couple minutes I must retreat to my bed, beneath my blankets, where I am safe from the “gunna-dies”

Bad highs are much more interesting to me. My first grow came in the midst of some life turmoil, was harvested early, and one of the plants made me have wild suicidal thoughts. Never had it happen before, or since, but it was hell. This was not a “gunna-die”, it was a full blown depressive episode.


:rofl: @ you liking the “gunna-dies.”

That’s the first time in all these years I’ve heard it explained that way. I enjoy the high and dopamine rush from those sure, but not the hours I can waste hiding from life while they happen. They definitely make me laugh though looking back on them!


That’s how CBN affects me. So I usually chop before amber has fully infiltrated.


I spent most of my early adulthood always high, with a decent tolerance. It wasn’t until I came back after a long t break and grew some bomb ass weed (by my standards) that I really explored this phenomena. Just thinking about it gives my heart a flutter lmao


It’s crazy how locking myself in my bedroom scared shitless can seem like one of the best uses and times of my life nowadays I laugh about it so hard. I’m too old to have the free time like that now though, I used to get like that when I was a teen/20s myself lol


Hate the stuff that makes me paranoid! When I smoke it and travel I’m always looking through the peephole in hotel rooms or assume every car is the police.


Impressive what you say:
It happened to me recently exactly the same “gunna die” with 24carat of mephisto genetics.
100% indica…amazing…very lost in your thought not knowing where you are…but…
…grow and grow and grow bad thoughts. Very bad.


But also how can we define the “high”?

How many terms, words there are to describe the smell for example…( Btw to me blueberries smell nothing)…
But for the high what are we looking at:

  • temporal displacements

  • local dislocations

  • introspective perception

  • transcendental perception

  • pain loss…which is memory loss


Closeness to God rather than satan is what I’m after… medicating my anger and the eternal burning of aging and oxidation, lol. I hate aging.


Yo I like this topic!

On the general, day-to-day, I like stuff that hits really hard and gives you a quick headrush or disorientation. That’s why I generally like stuff as close to GSC as possible. I prefer this over something that you can toke on for an hour and get really high.

I do also need a sativa tune-up every few days. My go-to is Bodhi’s Vietnamese x Columbian x Afghani. Very cerebral, almost head spinning. I really prefer a sativa that is not cut with NL or super skunk.


Back in the 90s, every once in a while I would get a bag that just put me in a funk. Just a really cross mood, and I’d get into it with people. Usually I’d buy an ounce every couple weeks, so I’d be smokin that “bad mood bud” for two weeks. Sometimes I wouldn’t realize it until after I’d have a horrible week, and I’d be like, it’s the bad mood bud !!


I dont like this new “high thc” super pot. The paranoia rushes up on me like a mugger in a dark alley. I dont get that from landraces. A landrace gets me buzzed but not expecting something bad is going to happen. I think we romanticize the smoke from “ The good old days” mostly because it gave us a fun , mellow high. I dont want it if I cant enjoy it.


I’m always looking for the strongest sedative type cannabis. The high i need is to calm me down and be able to sleep without the use of pharma, doctors put me on benzos and valium in the past but a strong indica RSO does the job better than any if those as i have learned over the years. I have a sleep an anxiety disorder caused by severe head trauma because of a fractured skull, was in a coma when i was young from being hit by a car, i have the rarer persistent post concussion syndrome and the anxiety and sleep disorder caused by it are extreme. Sativa highs tend to not do anything for me except make me want to smoke something else to calm down right away and make anxiety worse, not paranoid but more hyper active.


Sativas give me mind race and come bed time my mind is to active to fall asleep so I will be trying Indicas and hoping they will be better for sleeping …I also found bud that contains cbd makes me less anxious :slightly_smiling_face:


Me too! In studies they’ve found that CBD helps calm people down, and it combines well with THC to provide relief and also ease some of the mental impairment. It sort of sands off the rough edge of the high, so to speak.

CBD combined with a strong indica at bedtime really helps to give me a good night’s sleep


Some folks are catching on to this.
I think the folks that get too parinoid gravitate toward more CBD and the folks that love the trippy stuff gravavtate away from CBD.
I do think there is subtle nuances to a high too, but I feel that is the meat and potatoes.

Also remember when were young being too high was fun, as we grow old I think we like feeling like that less.

So if you want trippy weed, grow stuff with very low CBD and high in THCV.
If you don’t like the painoia, stay away from THCV.
If you get too high from smoking really potent weed, you can use CBD to bring you down quickly.
Or use CBN instead or in combination.
CBN contains sedative properties that can put your mind at ease and increase the quality of your sleep as well.

Let your plants go until all the trich’s are amber and withered to maximize CBN production.

Curing buds for a longer period causes some of the THC to turn into CBN, which happens as the THC is exposed to air and heat.
This is also why I personally prefer my weed well dried but not cured at all.


Lot of nice effects out there, just wish I could take the body drag out of a lot of them for daytime smoke.
Definitely need to explore some “Ultra Lites”


I feel the body drag may be caused by CBN.
Growing more narrow leaf varieties should help.
Harvest a week or 2 early to see if that will help also.