Getting older

It’s the sugar and carbs that are bad. Cut your carbs down to 20 grams or less a day and add lots of fat to your diet, and your body will scavenge all that cholesterol that’s clogging up your arteries.

FWIW, it’s not fat in your diet that causes high cholesterol, it’s sugar. And cholesterol isn’t all bad. You need cholesterol too. You need your animal-derived lipids.

I quit believing anything they say about diet because all we get are lies we can’t trust.


It’s an insidious habit that’s crazy difficult to stop. If you don’t have a goal, you’ll never stop. Good for you. :+1:

That is very generous of you. d8JBdDJ


It’s literally the least I could do. I’m fortunate to have the book learning on how to navigate health information and social programs. I’m more than excited to share it. Getting started is hard.

He’s right you know. :point_up: Sitting, smoking & sweets are the three horseman


Gotta disagree. Literally the least you could do would be nothing. I agree, you are fortunate to have that knowledge, and to have it at your fingertips, so to speak.

It’s a LOT more than the least you could do. You deserve the accolade. :+1:


Let’s do a morning update yall

This morning my back is way better but my hip hurts
I’m out of cream for my coffee
And my heat pump is frozen.

Pain level 3ish
Arthritis is level 4 in right hand but I haven’t moved much so it will get better, or I don’t notice it as much
Can’t make my mind up.

Grumpy level -2ish
All.i can say is this getting older stuff
Is BullShit.


That’s not a euphemism it is? rofl

Agreed, and at my age (74) it ain’t no laughing matter!


it helped to think about what I could buy with the money when I was on cigs and trying to quit

tough when the output varies, hard to plan for what comes next if you suddenly need a ER visit and a new stent just to keep going. Or react to a med. Sets you back days. Not just with the plants but the housework/aundry.

Definitely interferes with my todo list.


Damn if I’m not gripy lately.
Standing on that ladder fooked my hip up
Again, pain is like level 3 .
But here we are in summer
Though high 90s are not due again for several days
The humidity has been like 93 and over worked the heat pump to death.
Keeps freezing up and I can’t call a repair man
Because my whole house smells like gelato
So now i have to hobble out to my storage room
Get one of the 2 window ac units I kept
And get it in a window by myself
And hope it works, not used either one in 5 years.
I’m trying not to be grumpy, think I do a blaster
Of hash oil first, you know for pain lolol
Ok it’s for attitude improvements.


Ive always smoked personal joints. I grew up with a bunch of Jamaican friends and they never shared spliffs because of not trusting eachother to not eat pussy lol . I had one group of friends that would share joints but ever since i can remember I have never liked sharing joints and i am coming up on 50 years old. Nobody ever complains when i gave them their own joint to smoke because i dont want to share their juiced up spliff with them. I really only remember sharing joints as a teenager, as soon as i started growing in my early 20’s and had an endless supply of weed that whole sharing a spliff thing ended real fast. I hate getting a juiced spliff that someone just passed me. Cant do it and the fear is real lol


We would just stick the joint between our middle fingers and make a fist and smoke chillum style never touching the joint with our mouth.


@Hashpants I wonder how many here even know what a chillum is. I was introduced to them in high school in the late '60’s by an english teacher.


My older buddy had a smudge burner he found in a cave in W Va in cliffs along the river. He said during and right after the depression, the folks from the Smithsonian would come and buy up all the artifacts the kids could find. He remembered selling clay paint pots with color still in them for a few dollars. He always told that with regret, like he done something wrong.


This forum is mostly filled with old dudes so probably a bunch.Exotic alchemy sells his beans in a chillum. Such a sick idea.


Somewhere, I have a soapstone chillum I carved decades ago in a beaded leather pouch I made for it. If I recall correctly, questionable at best, I never used it. I’m gonna see if I can find it.


It will probably be in the last place you look…


Hard outta likes.

No doubt you’re correct. This could take some time. I own far too much crap.


@mota looking for his chillum.


Sleep seems to escape me , or at least good nites sleep.
But a fan favorite is back
Moved the wrong way holding nothing and
Boom left part of that strp of meat on the lower back is on fire now, getting old is awesome right guys?


2 hours at a time here for the sleep.
Found that the Shishkaberry 3 helps tho. Gets me a 4 hr stretch.
Sorry bout the back.
I’ve been a year without a tweak now. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Hope it heals up quick for ya.