Getting older

Flower power all the way, don’t understand the generation of today with all them expensive ass gadgets. Old school here myself and if I can’t make it, I am not smoking it. Vape smoke :dash: to me is very weak and does not have the taste :tongue: I desire. Tried it once and didn’t get the hype. Smoke :dash: on my old school hippie friends flower will always dominate! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:



Your ruler is 🤌


I’d never heard of this condition before your mention of it. Thank you for mentioning it. :+1:


This hurt to read. I woulda hit that joint buddy.


There is something very unwholesome with all these commercial vapes.I smoked a live resin cart that made my lungs hurt so bad i tossed a half full 70$ cart in the trash.I smoke my hash or press if i want a concentrate and dont get too picky these days.My POTV Lobo dry herb vaporizer does almost the same thing as a cart i can pack multiple cannisters and my lungs feel great high is stellar with the bubbler attachment no more Hot smoke to breath in.Those carts have to be loaded with heavy metals and i heard Stizzy keeps popping hot for pesticides not even allowed in this country im talking the shit they kept busting cartel grows with in Cali on national parks lands.Like what are they doing at these factories?Most younger kids today just want a Vape to suck on they could care less about lineage or real strain info.They just want the next hot cart thier smoking on IG with some cookie or candy shit in it.If your Smoking weed your already considered an old timer now a joint is like a caveman making fire with a rock.But yet again i grow enough weed to bring everyone a joint so we all have our own in my small circles not like when i was younger it was illegal and i had to conserve out of pure survival


My friends an I are all early 20’s. We pass joints around and share flower. They are all interested in my growing hobby and will reap the benefits. Some of us still got it.


I love that ruler so much I just scoured eBay for something like that. Went with a different theme, it will be appearing in future budshots :sunglasses:


This :arrow_up:

I’m not a germaphobe at all, but there is something nasty about someone handing me the community Jay that’s covered in resin and saliva, and I can’t tell the difference between the two.

I’ve never smoked a blunt. I see why people would buy imported commercial weed and wrap it in a grape flavored tobacco leaf, but why would you do that with something you’ve nurtured and cared for through a long process to get the best effects and terps possible? To each their own.

I love joints. I get the best flavor from them and I can control the amount of smoke I inhale. My tolerance stays at a reasonably low level as well (as opposed to dabs or hash).

Vaping doesn’t appeal to me at all. There is something different about the buzz that I just don’t care for. That’s just me, though.


I smoke joints on special occasions and usually vape these days. One thing I hate about sharing joints is when people just destroy the joint with a huge hit. I just like to share with people who know how to smoke a joint properly.


I’m in my fifties now, things are incredibly different and getting more different at a blistering pace.
I’ve been kept alive by modern medicine since my mid-twenties. I am very in tune with my body and what’s going on with it. I’m highly immunosuppressed so little thing make a big difference to me, and fast…
First time smoking weed was maybe my freshman year, possibly my sophomore year. Can’t really remember. It was the eighties lol. A friend stole some of his mom’s stash and we all sat in a circle on the floor in the basement like a little seance, all we were missing was ouija board lol.
I will forever pass a joint around because in my mind, that’s how it’s done. We share and we get high together. Same experience per se.
Now if I smoke a vape, that’s a whole different story. I’ve given all mine away. The vapes just crush my lungs for days, hurts. My partner quit smoking cigs a few years back and switched to the vape. Her voice and chest cavity sounds have changed remarkably in such a short period of time, couple years. Granted, she hits that fkkr like a coal burning locomotive. She is WAY more addicted to that than cigs too! I smoked cigs for 28yrs so I’m not judging her, it’s just an observation on my part.
My nephew, when he comes by, always uses his pen. If he wants flower he’ll grab a bud and grind his own joint. I also notice as the fire get’s warmer and fun really get’s going, he’ll smoke that joint when it’s passed his way.
Anyway, don’t forget to pass that joint my way. No bogarts here.


Not to mention, these carts often have really high thc, I’ve seen around 90%. They also make it incredibly convenient to use indoors or any time really. It’s way easier to develop an addiction due to that, and gen z is all about convenience and addictive vices. I always tried carts but they always felt so harsh on my lungs and throat, I felt like I scalded myself so many times I wondered how anyone actually uses them.


That’s how it is here too. Concerts are almost all vapers now, and honestly I don’t mind it. I just need to study up on @ReikoX ‘s thread and figure out how to get my flower into my own carts.


At 15 years old 1991/92 I sent money to BC Canada for outdoor variety my first seed purchase sent cash it was a very emotional experience as it was my life savings at that time …lol it was a major decision that had to be made encouraged by reading high times magazines that we stole from my friends older brother ,we stashed them in the woods by our fishing spot . Behind my house was land owned by the bank that was left wild for water displacement between two housing developments it was thick low grow brush around 6 to 8 ft tall all intertwined making it impassable unless I got on my hands and knees. I stole a bunch of chicken fence bailing twine from grandma tied it to my back with metal hack saw screwdriver to dig holes I crawled in about 50 yards found a big low grow bush cut it off so leaves would not grow dug holes and wadded up the chicken fence best I could around the low grow bush I cut off at ground level and left it standing in place , crawled out went home and waited for seeds . I had recently got suspended from school for helping my friend stuff his little brother in the locker followed by lighting fire crackers and stuffing them in the locker door vent . Whyll sitting home on out of school suspension the mail man came with my seeds like it was ment to be perfect timing I crawled back out into the brush got lost but eventually found my grow spot planted the seeds . My mother came home questioning me why I didn’t answer the phone and how I got scratches all over my face . As the summer months went by I basically forgot about them untill I heard my uncle talking about bow hunting . I imededaitly ran out of the house worried some hunter would find them to my surprise I had four plants two of which were seeded females I dragged them out stashed them near my house waited for my mom to leave as soon as her car got out of sight I grabbed garage bags folded the plants up and hid them in the basement of the old farm house she was renting it had old stacked boulder foundation with dirt floor with weird cave like structure’s just randomly placed , I crawled into the deepest one and stuffed the bag all the way in the back . Two three days later my mother started making comments about smelling something. She never went in the basement it was filled with cobwebs with no light . I waited for her to leave crawled into the basement grabbed the bag ran into the woods climbed the biggest pine tree I could find and tied the bag to the tree top got home walked in the house with cob webs head to toe and pine sap all over my hands face and school clothes with my mother pulling back into the driveway at the same time she was just looking at me then went nuts , I was grounded once again . A week later I found a cooler(grandma again poor woman) stuffed the plants in the cooler crawled back into the basement. That was the best fall/winter of my childhood me and my friends got high for the first time and had enough to last into the winter , I kept bragging to my friends I had weed they claimed BS and I delivered. Nowadays teenagers can just buy a vape and push a button.


Im one to say anything about consumption i was like 12 when i had my first joint.It was mind numbing weed of the 90s i got broke into.Ive been smoking for over 20 years and now i have to smoke some shit you cant share with people orher than other heads like us.I can’t imagine what these kids tolerances is going to be.My dad was busting my bags of mexican brick and Sometimes Kind Bud now kids parents are busting them with bags of Wax.They skipped the whole thing and just mainlined the THC.If they had the lower thc with the higher cannibinoid concentrations we did they would lose thier little minds that shit blew your mind


Carts are more easily concealed and stealthy.Best way to get kicked out of a concert is to have a blazing brand of a hogleg joint streaming clouds of smoke and smell right from your location


That ruler came from the police swag bag giveaway to kids when my daughter attended as a little girl about 15 years ago. I love to use it to show the true length of a bud when they are under 12”s! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Lots of reasons. I’ve also grown the tobacco I use for the wrap. And I like tobacco. Synergy. More than a corporate buzz word :rofl:

I also smoke cigars. So a weed cigar? Why not? But I understand not everyone is into tobacco in general. I am.

I intend to follow that trend :sunglasses:


I’ve never seen security bother anyone around here for smoking weed, but cigarettes inside and they will bee line to your spot and show you the smokers patio :man_shrugging: I think it’s just a preference thing mostly. I noticed the shows with older crowds had the most joints- stuff like Slow Dive and Godspeed you black emporer. Alvvays and Beach House was 100% vapes… and then Animal Collective everyone was just doing whatever drugs they had :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


No, LSD is not a naturally occurring compound. It was first discovered and synthesized by Albert Hofman (and his team) on November 16, 1938. He was also the first person to take LSD. Note that his team was also the first to isolate, name and synthesize the principal compounds in 'shrooms.

While this is a Wikipedia article, there is lots of other evidence regarding and documenting his work for Sandoz, the Swiss pharmaceutical company. If you search his name, you will see there have been several documentary films about him and his work. I own several and they’re pretty interesting, particularly the ones with Hofman himself discussing his work.

There is a rye mold called ergot that causes similar “symptoms” as LSD. The active ingredient is ergotamine. For decades there has been speculation that the Pilgrims in the US ate moldy rye that had become infected with the ergot mold. If I recall correctly, emphasis on “if,” some think it was a driving force behind at least some of the Salem (and other places) witch trials.

Not a friend?

Having taken a lot of psychedelics, I can say that while there are similarities among the various psychedelics, in my altogether anecdotal experience none “mimics” another. They each have distinct qualities that don’t necessarily show up in others.

For example, peyote. You ever eat peyote? (Mescalin is the active ingredient.) One of the distinctive aspects of the cactus is the taker gets these HUGE, life changing thoughts! I mean big time! You’re going to change the fucking world! There has never been such a history altering thought in the history of world altering thoughts! HA! (If you’ve never read Aldous Huxley’s books on his psychedelic experience (he took mescalin extracted from peyote, not a synthesized version), give them a read. They’re short and include a hysterically funny story about a particular experience he had. I laugh just thinking about it! The books are “The Doors of Perception” and “Heaven and Hell.”)

Sadly, I agree. When I was a kid it was expected that every child would “eat a peck of dirt.” (If any of you don’t know what a peck is, look it up.) Even then, there were people who didn’t view themselves as part of the natural world, and that’s become extremely exaggerated. In my obviously not particularly humble opinion, that is so ignorant on so many levels I can’t imagine it.

As for passing a joint, for the most part I don’t smoke joints. The paper is just too much for my throat. Been that way for decades. I smoke a bong almost exclusively, however, generally speaking, I also smoke solo. That said, I fully expect I’ll be passing at least one joint this summer when some of us west coaster OGs get together for a few days. I miss the social aspect of weed smoking, the passing and sharing of the same weed.

Yes I am. Thank you for noticing! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Me too. I just don’t understand why someone would mix tobacco with even the shittiest weed. Seems like adding insult to injury. (The injury is from the inhaling of any hot smoke. The insult is to add arguably even more dangerous smoke to the weed.)

Personally, while I don’t like tobacco, you’re an adult and get to make your own decisions. :+1: If I was able to grow and process my own tobacco, I might have gotten seriously into the stuff. But smoke commercial tobacco? HA! Not a chance! I’d rather burn commercial weed. And, oh look, it’s what I’ve been doing for the past year plus. Sigh…