Getting rid of a few things here

Hi MimirKush, thnx for the compliment on the turquoise artwork. As to the dehumidifier, I paid $200 (actually a bit over with shipping) I’ll take $100 for it. The chillers are both Hydrofarm Active Aqua Chillers 1/10hp and cost $515 each, I’ll take $250 each, if you want the dehumidifier also I’ll take $300 for the dehumidifier and chiller together. Hit me up on private message for directions here.

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lol sorry, I hit the 4 instead of the 3 for pricing both together had to go back and edit that!

That would be awesome man ill take it… Is it really time sensitive for you or what? If i pick it up now ill be tapped out till monday…

you can get it Monday, I’m not going anywhere. Also, is that for the both, or one?

Both… The chiller is a bit overkill atm but i need one and plan on upgrading a but soon

I totally appreciate it thanks man

ok, no problem. I’ll hold em both for you till you can pick em up Monday. I’ll message you with phone # and directions

That’s pretty nice

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