Getting rid of a few things here

Hey OG’ers not sure if this is the place for it but if it needs to be elsewhere then please move it there, LemonadeJoe…thnx
I’m not going to be doing much more commercial growing since OMMA is placing newer and tougher hurdles/blocks in the path of small mom-n-pop ops. The boss lady (read wife, lol) and me are just going to be happy with our12 plants each and relax. We’re keeping some equipment for ourselves and the plants we keep going.
This means we have a good bit of equipment that won’t be needed or used anymore. EZClone cloning boxes 1-64site and 1-128site both complete, 6"round airstones and dual out air pumps, approx 15 timers (digital and mechanical), 1-portable 8000btu AC, 3-6"inline fans, lots of different sized pots, etc.
If anyone is interested in anything, the prices will be about half or less of cost, everything is in excellent working condition and has been well maintained, gently used. Just message me and I’ll gladly send pics and talk prices.
Have a good day e1
Also 1-Fogponics setup, 13 head emitter center with float ring… take $50


How much for hood and ballast?

Man hate to hear it . Hope you get everything sold you no longer need. Omma is always changing something it seems like .

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Hey there OleReynard, are you located here in Oklahoma? the hoods and ballast cost
$160-190ea. I’ll take $75ea.

Nope MN got a friend that would want one for that price.
Just need to figure out shipping other than I’m sure she’d want one
What are the hoods?

Yeah Donnie, the return isn’t worth the aggravation…too dang many hoops to jump through. We’re retired and get a small Social Security and also started doing our turquoise and silversmithing again (NO RULES there, lol) so we’ll just relax and enjoy the last years of life, lol


They’re different brands, bought at different times over the past 1&1/2 yrs. I’d have to go out to the ‘farm-inna-barn’ to get the exact brand names and take pics. They’re good & wide sealed/vented for 6" ducting, the ballasts are switchable with the ‘super lumen’ feature also. Let me get out to the barn and take a few pics and put em up for ya. bbl

Hey OleReynard, sorry man…I had spoken to a few people about the stuff in the past few days and one came by as I was walking out to the barn. He bought all the hoods and ballasts.
Everything else is still available though.

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That’s cool…

LemonadeJoe, thnx for moving it man, I wasn’t sure :grinning:

How much for the vented reflector hoods

Peace and stay safe

Sorry, they’re all bought. Everything else is still up to sell.

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Hisense 2-speed with auto, 35pint reservoir,
cost $200 new take $100
auto shutoff float switch, sight glass in front all the bells and whistles lol

Also, i didn’t think about a couple of things when I first posted this.
Yes. if wanted, I don’t think it would be a problem to come up with a couple references available from well established OG members who have seen all the equipment in operation.
If anyone lives close enough to come get anything, I could lower the price a bit for not having to drive. I’m in eastern edge of Pawnee County, just west of the Keystone Dam about 15minutes west of Tulsa
Otherwise, I’d be meeting anyone from further away (like OKC or such) approx. halfway between us

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64 site easy clone box what were you asking for it ?

The EZCloner was $350 new (and still is) I’ll take $175 for complete setup and that’s also including 2-6" air-stones and air pump with dual outlets (bought separate) 1/4" tubing required…The pump has been replaced with higher output than it came with, i wasn’t happy with the lower pressure, not knocking EZCloner, mind ya, we loved it but they DID cut corners to keep price down by using a lower pressure pump. I just use that one for the chillers lol waste not, want not lol

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Well hell, lol looks like no one wants any of the stuff? No biggie… I appreciate any interest/questions anyway and thnx for checking things out, folks. Like I said, we’re doing the silversmithing as well as the turquoise while growing our personal and that’ll keep the wolves from the door lol

Just finished this piece and advertised it :grinning:


Hey im out in kellyville and was about to get a dehumidifer anyway how much? Also how much for a chiller? I can pick it up

Love the stone knife btw cool stuff man