GH flora bloom and micro or like In dwc

Does anybody know about how far Gh grow bloom and micro quarts last in dwc changing water every couple of weeks with about 25 gallons of water. That or something equivalent. I’m actually running Rdwc with a chiller and buckets are insulated so my water is not getting bad so fast. Thanks in advance.


Not sure I can help you with an exact answer but I’d say it would depend on how often you feed, what you keep your ppm at, and how many plants you have. I only change the water if there’s a contamination issue. Other than that, I let Hygrozyme do its thing and i rarely change water. Once they get bigger theyll suck up a gallon or 2 a day so it gets kinda pointless. My set up isnt recirculating.(in case that matters to you) I think youre gonna have to do a couple runs to find your answer.


I would say that it lasts as long as there is some in the bottles …lol. or until you run out lmao… Too many variables as @OGTreeSlayer stated.

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Ha, yea kind of a stupid question. I’ve been running jacks last 3 runs. Im having a hard time getting it dialed in flower. Veg is amazing! So I figured I’d try a different route this time. I was wondering if the quarts would get through a run. Or need gallons. 2 18 gallon totes and 20 gal res so 2 plants. Also run thru a couple gallons a day later in grow easy. I’ve heard people say they only change out water after veg then refill for flower. Just don’t want to push it. Been running a sterile system.

@Litforlife May i ask, why so much water? I would imagine you have to use a lot of food. Like how much food do you use just to get your ppm to like 500?

Give some thought to switching to salts . Ran general hydro for a couple 3 years till I smartened up.
@ 70 dollars each of plant prod mj grow , bloom , and finisher my results are way better and not costing 1500.00 bucks worth of liquid every year .


The more water the less you have to do change outs and ec stays stable longer. If I was using 5 gallon buckets and same for res i would have to change out a lot more and try to keep up with ec swing. Plus 18 gallon totes give plenty room for roots and don’t clog pipes up near as bad if at all. 1.8 grams Jacks 1-25g cal nit and .60g Epsom puts it close to 500 a little over usualy plus silica. It’s a recirculating system.

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Quarts should last you thru the whole grow. I’ve used AN 3-part for almost 20 years doing DWC but I rarely changed nutes and the last 10 grows or so never changed at all and it worked just as well.

there really is no need to change until flipping to flower if then. I would just check ppm and add small amounts of nutes in the same ratio I was running to bring the ppm back up to my target level every 3 days when I topped up my rubbermaid tubs that sometimes had up to 16 plants each.

Changes every two weeks is better but still more than needed imo. Especially in early veg when they are hardly eating anything. Just throwing out perfectly good nutes and spending more money like they want us too.

You seem to use a heck of a lot of water for two plants so are wasting a lot more than you need to. My short tubs hold 35L when full to an inch under the net pots and the taller tubs hold 50L so I would veg in the smaller one then prep a tall one with bloom nutes and just swap the lid with the plants over and away it went. Easy-peasy.

Nice thing with the AN nutes being pH Perfect is never having to check pH using RO water. The 3-part base doesn’t cost any more than GH. The gallon jugs I bought 7 years ago are still almost half full and I grew lots of plants with it.

Doing semi-organic in pots of ProMix these days but will likely do more DWC in the future.

Good luck and good growing!



Correction on that. I use12 gal. And 18gal. Res. Iot going on. My bad!

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