New hydro grower questions

I need some guidance. I’ve done a soil-less garden before and fed only with compost tea with success, but that was 6 to 7 years ago. I’m wanting to step-up my game and re-start with a hydro garden. I’m attempting to figure out which nutrients to go with, but I have a few questions… Maybe some of you hydro guys can help me decide which nutrients to pick and some grow guidance. I understand that there isn’t a finite solution for all nutrients. I have a few questions that could maybe shed some light on what I should do. A good part of my questions are to help me figure out a budget for nutrients.

  1. What nutrients do you use?

  2. What size reservoir do you use?

  3. How much nutrients do you feed per growing stage?

  4. How many times do you do a reservoir change per Week? … Month?

  5. Does the amount of reservoir changes change per grow stage?

  6. Should I rely on the manufacturers dosing charts?

I’ve been using this on my clients grows, effective and easy,

  1. Canna Coco, Canna Nutrient line. Botanicare for Calmag

  2. You dont need a res, I would suggest a holding tank of some sort, you can hand water. rule of thumb for me 5 gallons ready for each plant.

  3. Follow canna chart, go with a medium strength feed. For example Canna A+B, in soft water is 10 ml per gallon.
    2 ml a gallon of Botanicare Calmag as late as 2 weeks of bloom, then cut that off.

  4. No res needed for handwater or drip to waste…

5)Yes Canna feed chart works good,

Roughly 25 USD to do canna coco per plant in 3 gallon smart pots for nutrient cost.

Canna Coco grown

  1. What nutrients do you use?
    I have used Dynagro 7-9-5 with good success. I just followed the directions on the back for the hydro method which is 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water in DWC using Rapid Rooters. Stick seed in the rooter, put some fert in the water, dip a cup into the water and pour this over the rooter a few times a day to keep it wet. Increase the fert amount over time but never measured ppm so can’t discuss that part. At some point, change from 1/4 tsp. to 1/2 tsp per gallon. see what happens.
  2. What size reservoir do you use?
    5 gallon buckets each with their own air pump.
  3. How much nutrients do you feed per growing stage?
    Discussed above.
  4. How many times do you do a reservoir change per Week? … Month?
    As the plants grow they will use more ferts so change when pH seems to be out of whack or ppm becomes a little too low for comfort, or just change more frequently as the plant grows.
  5. Does the amount of reservoir changes change per grow stage?
    Not really. But the manufacturers put out ferts for the veg cycle and different ferts for the flower cycle. Your answer might be more due to the passing of time and size of plant than veg vs. flower cycles.
  6. Should I rely on the manufacturers dosing charts?
    This is an issue of huge debate. People for years have been following those dosing charts but many times they will come to an internet forum saying “I’ve been using this chart and my plants look terrible.” So I don’t think the charts are great. They might be just a baseline to use, but different strains are said to react in different ways to nutrients. You can get great growth with hydro, but some experimentation is required for new growers, so you might consider using different seeds at first like sunflowers or similar and see how things go. Research this a little more.

Ok here’s how I do it I have 3 six spot hydro kit holds ten gallons of water ever four weeks u Chang the water an I use roots organic aurora nutrients also a ph/ppm pen it’s a blu lab any question feel free to ask

Honestly it varies by plant genetics how much nutrients to use just go with about five mills to start An go up as u see fit also at the last two weeks of flower give them five or ten gallons of fresh water no nutrients at the last two weeks it’s a flushing period that’s so essential to hydro

No offense, Justin, but you’re over ferting.

It was in its last day of flush I’m hydroponic flush is where it gets no nutrients An sucks all the nutrients out of the bud so it dose not tast like fertilizer it’s not of nutrients

Before flush people cannabis dose look like shit Durin the finale stage of life