Going to try my hand at some outdoor guerilla grows this coming season. Any Advice?

Don’t be seen walking down the side of the road

“Excuse me sir where are you going with that bale of Promix and a shovel at 3am?”


Had a communal grow with a few peeps
1 year
Clean up a nice area amended soil planted 30 beautiful clones 2 weeks later they were 2 feet tall 2 weeks later they were all eaten by deer down to the roots it happens

I to will try this year by the road sides around town lol

The abc is a good stealth plant


“uh… I got a body to bury?” might be less trouble in some places…


Really great tips from everyone. Thank you so much :+1::+1::pray:
So am I understanding correctly that when you plant in ground you don’t really need to “Feed” like you would in pots?

1 Like

Using Osmocote will help in that process greatly. Has worked well for me at least…….


Yes the unlimited soil volume allows the roots to cover a large area for its nutes. You can give it a little bit of help, but you don’t even have to if the soil is good.


Will definitely give it a shot, appreciate it :pray:


Try to blend your plants into the edge of a green tree/bushline. Tie 30lb test fishing line at 18 and 36 inches (keeps deer out). Rub fishing line with dirt when tied (prevents the fishing from shining in the sun) Use oscomote gradual release ferts, and/or synthetic ferts. Use Fem plants only. Add dolomite lime to your soil to keep the ph neutral. Dont use containers, dig holes.

Pee near your plants & put crushed mothballs on the outskirts of your grow. Spray the bushes/trees nearby with cheap cologne from the dollar store. (repels critters)
In the bottom of your holes mix in water crystals with your soil mix. (holds water= less watering)

Make sure the plants are in a good position to get at much sun as possible. (on the edge of a clearing facing morning/afternoon sun) Plant near a water source and hide collapsible water containers in underbrush. Have a reason for being out there…take your mountain bike if near trails…hiking etc. wear dark or green/brown clothing.



Raccoons will tear your shit up like that beware. Use some sort if caging when you put them into the ground. Critters love disturbed soil makes it easier for them to find grubs worms etc. use chicken wire.


Dog hair all over the area helps too. Coyotes piss from
Hunter supply as well


Sow a mixed covercrop (vetch, clover, etc) too, will make it less noticable and will slow down evaporation (shadow) while fixing nitrogen into the soil. Just whack half of it back when it starts flowering let the rest seed itself back into the ground.


My biggest problem is finding a parking spot not covered by a camera. There is almost zero places worth the risk of getting rolled on or caught on camera. Cops are rolling around everywhere. People are living on every inch of road or can see every parking spot. I only found a few places to park and even that is really risky. People are everywhere


Ideally you should get dropped off by a trusted friend. Them dropping you off doesn’t necessarily mean they know where your spot is. And if trusted shouldn’t matter. Call them to come get you when finished.


It’s tough having a partner and then telling them oh I got a hide this from you it kind of seems like you don’t trust them already. I tried that last year with a partner and I made a thread about it didn’t work out so well. It really depends on the person you’re dealing with.


Another really bad thing about gorilla growing is dealing with the weeds and the moisture during the late flowering time it is so wet out there. A guy just gets covered with dirt water and sweat by the end of it it’s really messy sport. Also leaving a really obvious trail to the grow is a major problem. The native weeds usually grow insane amount (climate dependant of course) so be prepared to not get your plants lost make a good map A really good map. Dont slack on that. Gangsta growing is a really really difficult time consuming risky. It needs to be really well thought out All the way down to what kind of trail you’re making and what kind of clothing you’re gonna wear. Don’t forget a bottle of water two very important to have that water to drink


So far I park about .5 mile away and hoof it. I honestly don’t trust anybody anymore lol I’m definitely going to be keeping it to myself


I wouldn’t put too many in one place. Keep them spread out. Either do it in containers or you’ll have to dig your own holes. You just need to make sure they’re big enough. If you’re growing in the woods be careful. Reptiles and insects. You will need to make sure that you have a water source when it gets dry. I would get plastic containers from the restaurants the empty 5 gallon oil ones. The water could’ve been stale but they still loved it.


If you don’t have a plan to get your plants to the site in a clandestine manner HMU and I can give you a good method…….


You have to have a plan. He is very correct. Never go in the same way twice. I did outdoor growing for years. I do miss it sometimes good luck with your venture.


So far I’m planning on dropping, some Copa Genetics Crazy Bitch, Tony’s tortured beans GG4 RIL and Gorilla Bubble, Super Skunk x Chemdawg from farmer Joe

I know Copa Breeds for outdoors and I have seen great things from Tony’s seeds outdoors too :crossed_fingers: