Good news everybody! Hemp is still legal and seeds are still collectables

Like the title says, seeds are collectables and selling them is GOOD business.

I feel that all strains and phenos should be collected and preserved.

A question, what does it take to get into the seed business? Is it hard?..

Personally I am of the vein of collecting in bulk. It should be for the average consumer to collect the seed packs…

I wish there was a strain bank like they have for big ag. Maybe something like a central distributor.

Rhymes with Orwell.


I live in San Francisco you could walk around with a bag of weed under your arm smoking a joint lol
And it’s legal,you mite get robbed for the weed


People knowing who you are and how you work
how thorough your breeding projects are. Anyone can chuck pollen or come up with seed. Its the consumer being able to believe the seed is legit by knowing at least some of the breeders background. . Otherwise dirt cheap seeds are the only way youll move them. If you expect say $5 a seed your going to need to be known. Seedbanks wont even deal with you if your completely unknown. I mean anyone can start a seed bank site but it will have the same expectations as the scams without a known name behind it. Ppl will tip toe if they buy anything at all. Breeders get recognized in places like where you are now here on og. But it takes showing some work on a forum like this. I made some serious crosses. All planned out done perfectly with selected plants. I have a lot of faith in my strains but in order to sell them id need to show more work than i do.


I agree that to get your name out there as a major breeder you would have to be well know with alot of community effort and experience… Im talking about your average breeder, how does he get the seeds to the customers, and how does he insure the product that the collector receives? Also how would the breeder stay breeding for a long time ensuring a long term commitment to the collector?

That is the basis of a business plan.

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I’ve been thinking again…with upcoming legal weed, there could be alot of people interested in volunteering to test strains and run crosses.

Like there would be a whole wealth of new testers…thousands if not millions. Sounds like enough voluntary labor to run some true mendelian crosses. Because!, With 100 seeds from a cross, there are on average 2400 "f1"s…from those 2400 at 100 seeds each, there are close to 1.4 million in breed crosses. We need the labor pool… desperately! :grin::grin::sweat_smile:

Bump “blue diamonds💎”