So I work at a family Thai restaurant and I’ve been saving compost for a few months now I have a big barrel outside but don’t know if I should add dirt or what to it other than mix it up every now and than it’s getting pretty black and nasty lol pretty sure that’s a good thing tho??? And advise would help, thanks guys.
I’d advise against using it at this point there’s probably all sorts of bad things going on in there! I’d suggest with all sorts of food scraps ( meats, starch, veggies dairy) pretty much anything and everything the best route to go would be bokashi composting, an anaerobic closed system process of using microbial innoculants such as EM1 on carrier media such as wheat bran that ferments in a closed system. Option two would be getting worm bins set up yo process food waste but foods such as high starch and meat should be avoided in these types of systems , read up on these styles and see which one fits best for ya! I can suggest reading material I’f ya interested further.
This is what I’m working with, plus I only ever put veggies and other greens sometimes eggshells but I’m never put any sort of flesh or any other animal products except eggshells.
Give this a watch and see if it clears things Up.
This is Excell material for hot composting this would be considered your green material then find a nice cheap carbon source and a wire pin or pallets and your rock and rolling!
This can also work for worm bins but read up on that before indulging cause overfeeding is one down fall for successful worm composting .