Got a stunted g13 haze

Its tiny and just isn’t flowering while everything else is 2 weeks into flower in the same space. Its seriously 15% the size of anything else in the room… When it sprouted its first 2 real leaves it just stayed that size for 3 weeks before it grew at all.

Should I just kill it? I have enough other plants lol

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Send it to the compost pile. It wouldn’t amount to much, IME.


I have 2 of the saddest bubblegum plants I’ve ever seen


Sorry to hear about that crap brother, better to give the strong ones the space!!!


I’m half tempted to let it just sit in the flower room a few more weeks and throw it outside even if it does start to flower… go hang it in a tree to keep it above the deer…


I’m at almost 3 weeks since 12/12 started and it hasn’t made a single calyx… all my other plants have tip of my pinky buds already.

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Strainly 60day auto bubblegum lol
The worst strain of weed I’ve ever grown

Almost 6 weeks old,:laughing: I have 2 of these I’m pulling the plug on them next week,I give up I’ve tried everything the funny thing is the seeds opened in one day,was thinking this is going to be a strong plants I’m running these on 16-8 lights I’ve never done that to an auto



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Pretty sad :rofl:

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Sometimes you get runts. Flower it if you have the space and nothing else to fill it with, but otherwise, cull.


Don’t kill it if you haven’t already!

Apparently sometimes the runts can give crazy terpenes!!!


Do you mind if I ask who you got them from on Strainly?

They were give away on here,but their from mark strainly, I still have a few of the seeds left but after this shipwreck I won’t
Be trying
To grow anymore of them crazy thing about these plants is there’s no sign of sex,
There not autos that’s for sure


Autos HATE being rootbound in small containers. They will throw temper tantrums and just stop cooperating.

Every auto I’ve grown started in a solo cup then into a 3 gallon pot with no problems

These seeds are pure shit

How soon after the solo’s did you transplant? Not saying they ain’t shitty beans, just had the same thing happen once and the same seed in a large pot did just what I wanted it to is all.

I let them get about this size then put them in 3 gallon pots everyone has their own way of growing this works for me

Yeah, but you’re Irish so have experience with auto leprechauns (smile).

All else is moot if it works for you.

Lick of the Irish lol
I never had any luck putting a tiny plant in a 3 gallon pot so I started doing it this way,

I only grow 4-5 plants a grow be different if I was growing more,don’t take long to repot 5 plants