Grafting and swapping chromosomes


Interesting, I knew that grafting could create chimera sport branches, where parts of both plants are blended on one branch. Though those are usually unstable and one tissue type dominates over the other. If they are switching some dna, then that does open up more variables if someone is keeping mothers through grafted plants.


Maybe those old stories back in the day about grafting a hops plant onto a pot root structure would grow hop flowers loaded with trichcomes and get past the illegalities.

I’ll have to ponder that while I smoke some more banana peel. :wink:



Weedopium… like tomacko…

Plant crispr

We shall see with legalization all the possibility
When holistic fixes the broken health care system funding… so many benefits from this plant and each strain.

Weed is miracle it’s like jesus an outlaw and eventually becomes savior… in philosophical


Haha smoking banana peels funny af, I remember reading that in a certain cookbook :smile:


This could help to create equatorial Cannabis flowering earlyer during Summer.

Cannabis can be graftet on Hops, but i always wondered if the flowering-Impulse of nothern Hops could be transmitted to Cannabis, while leaving the equatorial trippyness untouched otherwise

hope for Outdoorgrowers


:man_facepalming::shushing_face: no comment

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I said it before and I’ll say it again. You can graft cannabis to hops and smoke the hops

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Does this give a nice Coctail of Substances that way? I heard some Hops contain Cbd . Not my taste, but interesting discovery

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I’m not sure but they do have thc. Wish someone on here would try this and do a grow log on it

I’d throw seeds at it? Haha

Cbd cucumbers

There are kaly-seeds this breeder deals with hops and cannabis.

Kaliseeds states his KAli-Humulus wich you linked have up to 17 percent Thc, and the effect can be described as benefitial and soothing when smoked.

As i understand it ,this and the other Plants he sells seem not to be Hops outcrosses (opposed to what some believe , but his Descriptions are bit confusing, and still not shure if actually did it)

But what is confusing : further down on his Kaly-Humulus decription he ads a History, wich tells he managed to outcross Canna to Hops in 1998… :upside_down_face: