⚠️Gray mold⚠️ while trimming (tincture? Advice?))

No chance of the unwary finding this bud and smoking it. Zip, zero :+1:
Good looking out though

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I think im decided. Im gonna tincture it all (except the visibly bad).

I dont need to eat the tincture (though i might), and can use it for things like handcream or lip balm etc. options vs nothing, I’m gonna go with options (most of the time).

Thank you all for the input, still looking to see what other opinions are out there, what you’ve done in similar situations, all that. Good, bad, ugly, im here for it.

Again though, please don’t think i am discounting opinions or advice, i feel every word, and appreciate you for sharing them with me. Peace :v::sunglasses:


I’m really confused how making tincture with this is in any way a risk. 190 proof will absolutely kill all mold to the point were even lab tests will confirm no mold.

Perfect looking bud can still have mold on it


Ya man decarb then alcohol should be fine.


Most mold and other contaminants will likely die from the conditions the high alcohol % mentioned. Even high temps from decarboxylation would kill most contaminants but what’s the bud gonna look and taste like??? Personally if it was me I’d just accept the loss and move on. :v:

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It has been studied and is fairly well known that even 99% ISO does not get rid of mold spores. The only hope is filtration through a syringe sized filter. I cannot remember the microns needed.

As much as it sucks , I am on the team of it being trashed.


you are certainly getting it to a high enough temp decarbing to kill the mold. the mycotoxins im not sure about. the only concern is how long you have to hang at that temp to kill off everything, and if that is longer than 40mins at 235F youre killing off the desireds too. you really dont have to decarb as long as most people do anyway, so in theory maybe you could decarb at a lower temp for longer?

i have gone through your experience here though josh, and its the reason i break big buds all the way down when trimming them - regardless of how many people will tell you its ruining flavor or potency or whatever.


I got gray mold on the biggest buds from 2 out of the 8 plants I grew last summer (indoors). Once I saw it (while the plants were drying) I threw out the molded buds, froze the adjacent ones, then left the rest of the plant keep drying. I’ve vaped from both of the affected plants and haven’t noticed any ill effects. They’re two of the tastiest and most potent out of this latest run so I am loathe to trash what I have left. Personally, I think that if you’re otherwise in good health you probably get exposed to worse shit pretty regularly. Car exhaust, VOCs, mold in your house/food, etc. Disclaimer: I am not an air quality technician nor a pulmonologist nor an expert grower/smoker. But I tend to side with the grandpa alluded to above haha.


There is a difference between dead spores and live ones. Pretty sure all of you would stop eating produce from a grocery store if you saw the contamination numbers there


DON’T COMPOST!!! It will infect your Compost Pile. Place in Double Garbage Bag, take to local “Dump” where it will be incinerated. Don’t reintroduce it into your Grow by using contaminated soil. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@misterbee i had no idea about that wow good to know cause if i had a compost pile thats exactly where id throw a moldy bud lol. Whats the difference between a fruit and vegetable growing mold and a bud? Genuinely curious


Spores…some are good, some, not so much!! Same with Blight. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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ah shit. Too late :frowning:
Never heard of that being an issue, and assumed molds is molds.
Next time I’m out there I’ll dump the tumbler. (Just put in one side - dump both probably huh?)

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Can you heat your dirt/soil? If so, that can kill the “baddies”, BUT will also kill the "beneficials. Your soil will be “sterile”, you’ll have to amend again. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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No outdoor oven unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:
I don’t use the compost for indoor stuff, (if that matters)

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Good, that’s even better, can’t be reintroduced!!! Side Note: Have you tried Culinary Alcohol in lieu of Everclear? Produced right here in Maine, 200 Proof, $38.50/Quart.
Thought you might be interested/non-affiliated. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I have not- Thanks for the tip sir :sunglasses:

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Mold doesn’t grow on resin. It’s anti fungal by nature. Imo all of it is safe if made into hash with water, which would capture any contaminants.

The following info is for hard core super immune
System I never get sick and eat dirt for a living Hillbillys like myself only

I know I’ll catch hell for this but I have smoked and will smoke again pounds of pot cut away from colas like yours. There were some years I’d of had nothing to smoke if I didn’t pick through the mess. Obviously I have no lung issues, nor do I have any allergies. I have been real sick only twice in past 32 years. Once from eating bad taco bell lettuce and the other time from a tick bite. Never caught any lung issue from smoking anything. I remove the moldy buds and separate. Later I go thru these to see what I can salvage. I cut away the mold, cutting close to it, and I look at the stem. The inside will look white, like a mushroom. I again cut a quarter or half inch away. This time typically only the middle of the stem is white. (We are talking small bud stems here… .) I cut again another quarter inch away. Usually the stem is green again. Green means go, as in Go ahead and smoke it. Where the fungal body ends determines what you can keep.
All weed molds differently. Some plants get overtaken and the whole thing mushes up on you. Turns to slime in your hands. These are hopeless causes for ganja. These plants encourage spore formation and this makes the mold spread quickly. Other plants can get a small bit of mold in a bud, and several weeks later the spot is only a little bigger. This type is salvageable.
The fungal body lives up to an inch or more from where you found the mold. I find it’s Usually about
a half inch.
Ideally you’d toss moldy weed. But some of you, like myself for 32 years, grow weed outdoors in prohibition land. No harvest is not an option for some of you. This Buds for you.:grin:


This is a crop of Tirah Valley which was harvested back in October, and has been sitting outside in the weather ever since. I grew Tirah and it will get some mold…
This cannabis is not considered ready until the first snow coats it. It’s quality is legendary and every year the famous Red Tirah hash goes quickly at market.
I guarantee some moldy weed has ALWAYS been used in traditional hashmaking areas, intentionally or not. No one gets sick from smoking it. Just saying.


Just posting the first link I found. I was not happy that they did not reference footnotes for the claims but did provide good alternative sources of information. Mold is not pleasant. Do the research.

Another by FDA

Big thing to remember is some mold may remain, Do the proper research and weigh the consequences…Just my .02

Final footnote…Google searches will turn up info that is not scientifically researched or peer reviewed first more often than not. Always use common sense when reviewing information (on any subject).
Yay science!

If you can’t replicate a scientific study, it is most likely not valid…

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