Greenhighlander grows

Bunny Shit? :flushed:


Yes sir, that exactly.


I suspect itā€™s pretty hot stuff. How many bunny bowel movements for a typical run? Do you forage for it or do you have a renewable source?




Actually rabbit is one of the best that you can use fresh. No burn at all. Itā€™s great stuff, and itā€™s one of the more balanced manures.

Naw, cages in the back yard.

I only add like half a coffee can to a batch of soil.


Very Kool man. All thatā€™s in my backyard is an abundant supply of dog shit!




Fortunate that ours donā€™t dump around the rabbits :wink:

Once we get a place and a compost heap, we will probably be utilizing some chicken :poop: as well.


I use the blue one


Bunny shit is great. Not super high in anything but also not hot to use whatsoever.
As for chicken shit that is best used after composting it . It is very high in N usually and also very hot and will burn and kill plants.




Smell : The smell is very similar to at chop . But is now more of chem mixed with a full body wine or grape then the purple hubba bubba .

Taste : This is another delicious one that tastes like it smells . But the aftertaste is back to purple hubba bubba .

Effect : This one is fast hitting and also a creeper that takes a bit to reach full effect . Another really potent one with a very enjoyable, long lasting hybrid high . Over indulgence makes it have a more indica like effect.

Jar Appeal : This is the second 9/10 in this category. Just beautiful , solid , crystal coated buds .

This is another top tier keeper that I wish I could run again.

That is it for the 18 harvested Wolfpack F2 . I couldnā€™t of hoped for a better first exploration and am very happy with what I found.
Thousands of these seeds went out to folks for free and I hope to see some of them get grown as I did not put the time or effort into making them , just to sit as part of a seed collection .
POP them bitches and thank me later


The pic doesnā€™t seem to want to let ya zoom in on it . Just right click and open it in a new tab .


Yes sir. I donā€™t want to start a large compost at a rent house, so for now the yard gets the chicken. Once I can compost it, Iā€™ll use it.


The 6 Dank Sinatra F2 in the middle and furthest from the camera row of 3 .2 of the 6 seem to be growing at normal rate. The other 4 are showing me what @nube meant by slow vegging. The row closest is the runt Wolfpack F2 and 2 Koko cuts. I got caught up doing things that are weather dependent so I hope to finally get the other cuts of Koko and Strawberry Headband transplanted finally tomorrow and will be flipping ASAP.

Two DS F2


Itā€™s a shame they got stunted, but shit happens, especially when you got stuff to do thatā€™s weather dependent. My grow takes a back seat when I have shit to do, too.

Let me repeat the suggestion to veg longer if you can. Like bubba kush, most DS donā€™t stretch at all in flower so WYSIWYG.


Ya well its my fault . I am not set up for slow vegging plants at all. O well lol


I just want to add to #18ā€™s smoke report that it is by far the most effective for the unbelievable pain I have been dealing with for the past couple days. My cookies and oils arenā€™t touching it and whatever they gave me a shot of at the hospital barely dulled it . I thought I had kidney stones because of the level of pain that is what it reminded me of. But after having all the tests and scans done today I was told I didnā€™t have any kidney stones but I have a large mass in my lower back . Whatever it is did not show on my xrays or CT scans just 2 months ago. Now I am in unbelievable pain and pissing blood.

The last 8+ years of my life have been absolute hell . I donā€™t even know how to describe the irony of the fact that the job I gave up cash cropping to go be a regular working stiff for , is what did this to me . When I was rushed from my job to the hospital 8 years ago and found out what was wrong the specialists told me I wouldnā€™t see 40 . They actually were amazed that I was even alive then. Well I turned 40 about a month ago and the way I feel right now I think they werenā€™t far off.
Mercury , benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene , xylene , and a whole buncha other chemicals and hydrocarbons that I have no idea how to spell are the chemicals and they were at levels that the blood lab in the states , the most recognized in the world , said they had never seen before.
The 8 + years of health hell has been bad enough , but the kicker is I have never received a dime and am still fighting for compensation to this day.

So ya #18 is really good for physical pain


Thank you for sharing, I wish you well. It sounds like your employer was not a good steward for the health and safety of their employees, that is truly unfortunate. As a society we should aim to tread more lightly, in order to reduce the toxic impact on ourselves and the natural world. Glad to hear youā€™re able to find some relief through plant medicine.
Take care and keep up the excellent work!


Hang in there brother, your story no matter how sad/disheartening is a very common one here in Canada, many folks have to fight for workerā€™s compensation while others simply employ it to get a free ride and I could never figure it out myself. I also suffer from chronic health issues resulting from a workplace accident in 2010, I am still fighting themā€¦

I really hope that you can find some relief and a clear path through this, no one deserves to suffer the rest of their life just to pay their bills/forward the corporate need.

All the best to you and yours Greenhighlander :pray:


Thanks for the kind words. After 8 years of this I am just tired . I got nothing left in my tank.


What really gets me about the whole thing is that you sent seeds out to the community, and I hadnā€™t really seen you around much then.

You are kind in spite of your circumstances, touching bro. I aspire to be more like you.


I am kind because of not in spite of. When you go through real shit with an open heart you canā€™t help but to be kind. It is a lesson our society as a whole needs desperately to learn.
Feed your heart dude cuz without it you are simply dead inside.

Oh and they are just seeds man. I was happy to make them and give them away .