Greenpoint seeds seed flip

Made em myself.
Tony did not make any and is not planning on making any going forward.
Other than the 2 of you no one else has these beans.

I will be popping some of my own soon, I hope to move forward with this project but I used/kept 8 of the best females out of 30 for the PTG.
I also kept the best 20 Bubblehead females out of 50 plants.
So I have a ton of seeds to sift through and very much need some help.

Both strains have expressed very uniformly, so I expect most of these plants to look very much the same with minimal differences.




Have either of you 2 had a chance to get these beans in the dirt?

I gave out a few more to another member here, they should be arriving any day now.
If those beans get sprouted, I will be starting a grow thread for all of these beans.
This will keep things all in the same place.



You sent me about 15. The first five I tried were all the greeniesā€¦none of those cracked. Out of the remaining 10, 6 are waiting to be cloned, the others didnt show.


Ok, cool!
Thanks for the response.
I will be starting another thread in the grow area.
That will be the best place for future pics and such.

Thanks again.


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