Pink Rozay seeds (Lemonchello 10 x London Pound Cake #75)

So the dispensary I work for is partnered with cookies and receivers breeder packs direct from them, I know Cookies is hype and not everyone’s favorite mine included. Anyways, the point is that the entire batch of Rozay Runtz AKA Pink Rozay was seeded. They’re selling it on discount and this is the amount of seeds that came in the 8th I bought. Lmk if anyone is interested in receiving a pack because I’m planning to buy another 8th or 2 if it gets cheaper next week


Love stuff like that,bet there’s some interesting stuff hiding in those beans!


My thoughts exactly, I’m actually hoping to have a successful feminization of one to pollinate this cross I’m holding as well


You’d be better off pollinating that w/ some Big Bud - male pollen “probably”…


Is that right? I mean sounds great to me

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Yeah why not, I’m just messing around saying probably for the fact when u look up genetic history of almost all crosses somewhere their is a “Probably” in that cross…, throws a wrench in the mix., The seed u got is more than likely already an s1

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I’m assuming it is, I’ve been in the grow and each strain is grown in it’s own separate and sealed grow area. It’s not just a big grow room with rows. So I’m thinking there was just a little too much stress and a plant in the Rozay room provided some pollen.

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Can’t hate on cookies though, there buds have very nice structure and look…

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Frankly I don’t think they look horrible even seeded, there’s potential there and it’s just a new inexperienced grow team at the op who messed up a little.

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Ck are you interested in receiving some of these beans?


Awesome gesture, first one to actually offer me something for nothing on here. I have like an insane amount of x’s i gotta still run of my own plus some others I have., new ones to be made as well with very limited space. Thank you for the offer :100:.


Hey no problem and best of luck with your projects! I’m supposed to be launching into a Kona Gold IBL x Temple Flo from the co-op


I’ve never tried either one., can’t go wrong with some good Hawaiian bud I suppose. Co-op so what yunz do is run some tester beans in a group and document?

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Hi, I would be interested. I am from spain.
If you have some and If you need help with shipping I can paypal you the costs.

Thanks for sharing


I have a local big bud cross I haven’t grown out yet. If you’re interested I’ll send some out to you today. Just send your details. Supposedly been run for 20+ years locally. I have no idea how true that is or isn’t.


I’d grow some out! Would be interesting to see what’s hiding in these beans. :metal::seedling:


I am in if you got more to spare, but can wait till you get more. Thanks for the consideration. Just DM me. :wink::partying_face::sunglasses::turkey::v:


Same here. Send a DM if you got extras.


You know “The :honeybee:” ain’t turning down ANY offer of free seeds!! SUPER THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: