Greetings from new grower

Hello Overgrow new member here.
I have been growing indoors for 15 years and this is my 3rd year outdoors. I leaned heavily into organics and composting, with 25gallon cloth pots on caster wheels in a garage. I’ve been lurking and learning and admiring here for a long time before joining.
I’m not very good at tending threads but I’ll give it a shot to be in the presence of all this greatness. Grow On!


Welcome my friend. :grin:


Welcome to OG mr. @CaptainCaveman! :hugs:


Welcome to OG @CaptainCaveman.


Welcome to the OG

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Do you grow inside also?
Do your prefer outside to inside?
Any cool monsters growing outside?
Happy Growing


Welcome my friend!!

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Welcome @CaptainCaveman :call_me_hand:

Welcome, @CaptainCaveman :wave:
That’s quite a lot of experience! Great to have you here in our community

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Welcome @CaptainCaveman :call_me_hand:
You will love this place…

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Welcome to the OG community :raising_hand_woman:t3:

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Thank you for the warm welcome.

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Welcome to OG …

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Welcome! (Coughs a bit and passes a doob)

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Thanks man I appreciate that!

Thanks BigF. Hits doob and passes it back cough cough…

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Welcome @CaptainCaveman you’ve joined the best forum on the web. Glad to have you here.

*On a sidenote, can someone tell me what those little :email: icons are doing by the users on the top right of some of these messages. First time seeing them since the update, if I had to guess I’d say it means they were sent a private DM but don’t want to assume and be wrong.

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