Grow fabrication

The relative simplicity of it is what appeals to me. I figured there would be at least a couple people who do extrusions or molding. With proper marketing they could really take off…i find stuff like this fun though.

Please don’t be taken off if i seem overly aggressive pursuing business.

I think its fun, number 2 hobby after weed.

Extrusion is a different process and would be accomplished with Dies and High Pressure, and I’m sure technologies have long surpassed my knowledge but not abilities.

One company I worked for was doing hydroforming. I was not involved with that department but I knew what they were doing. I just gave away a part they made that didn’t pass inspection and I made a shop ashtray out of it. I literally just gave it away maybe a month ago biggrin

I made these…

That convolute is 3 layers of .010 thick stainless steel.



My basic idea was to get people with experience in the field from the site, and then make and distribute a top quality inexpensive gardening tool.

Get a subforum on the sponsors page.

Haha do a movie…i had an idea about a movie similar to clerks a few weeks ago…this would be even better.

:flushed: i just told a guy i wasnt doing any writing atm.

I’m thinking about upgrading my Hydro setup to use black 5 gallon buckets instead to the white 2 gallon buckets it came with.

I’m going to buy 6 5gal buckets and doing the plumbing myself. What is it? 4usd per bucket?

Eazy Peazy.!


I was gunna draw a picture but cant get this damn sketch tool to work.

I was thinking a good price on a double walled hempy bucket (5 gallon) would be about $35. That sound fair?

The bucket is double walled so you can have continuous flow of nutrient solution. There would be no need to water if you didnt want to.

A reservoir within a reservoir.

Thats just one idea.

Not when you can buy 6 5 gallon buckets already plumbed.

Active Aqua Grow Flow 2.0 Expansion Kit w/six 5 gal Square Pots $79.95

I’m not vouching for the quality of the above product. It is just an example of what is already available on the market.


Hmm…i personally dont think $35 would hinder sales. Plus that is a 5 gallon, i can see something as small as 16 ounce mini pots and 8 ounce cups on a tray. Then all the way up to 500 gallon.:wink:

Just another example.

Bubble Brothers XL 6 Pot DWC System
Bubble Brothers XL 6-Bucket - 5-Gallon DWC System | HTG Supply - $119.95


You’re trolling us (me), right?


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Those things are cheap.

What do you mean… sarcasm?

Yeah i dont need money though…i need friends.

Lol, im just playing. Business is fun for me…im not in it to get rich.

No, rabbit holing this. Getting me off into weeds with no end in sight - nothing accomplished.

Why would someone spend $35 for something they could get for $18 or so? For about $20 each I can make a 6 5 gallon bucket add-on for $180, but I’m going to pay you $210?

My time on this orb hurling through space is finite. I’d rather spend it productively, IF that is okay with you?


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So then i guess the quick answer is that you think $35 would be too expensive. Duely noted?

I think you have not formulated your end game or how to get there.

These are $20 each with everything you need to run these 6 5 gallon buckets.

And, I really have things to do.

Take care, @Joshj . I do wish you all the very best!


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Cool man, so anyone who fabricates with plastic on the board?

The real purpose of this is to be fun and cool. Anyone can go to home depot and buy a 5 gallon bucket and drill a hole in it.

We did this before bout 5 yrs ago. Remembered i used to have an account here.

It would need a water level indicator. :sweat_drops:

TMI? :wink: