Grow journal, chat and giveaways and occasionally art and 3D printing!

I have seen the Pringles cans used before somewhere, I thought about trying them myself, but I figured they would be a pain in the ass to keep standing up without falling over. That holder would work great. :+1:


Rooting for the “Boss”!
Looking good so far. Keep us informed @Hydro921


It holds a solo cup too


My wife, Lady Zandra has been my grow partner for years and since I can no longer help because I’m now totally disabled, she has taken it all on. She was always the day to day care, nutes, etc… and I did the LST and other grow techniques / troubleshooting and choosing what to breed. She says we worked best together but she’s taken over through the years. Our Sister in Law is a grower too. So yes women are great growers as You have proven in your thread.


So cool!


Awesome name.

My wife’s name is Zrada. But she don’t grow. She don’t smoke. Only a gummy or a loaded chocolate before bedtime. She’s a lightweight. But I love her.


Thanks @BigMike55!

Zrada is an awesome name as well. Is that a given name? Either way its cool. Our Mrs. seem similar in more than just names. Lady Zandra doesnt smoke either.and she sticks to 1:1 gummy and chocolates she makes her own edibles like Zrada, and uses mostly at bedtime. :laughing:

I’m fortunate that I have an amazing woman that has a green thumb and can keep a great garden, be it tasty vegetables or high quality bud.


Zee does not like to garden. She likes lookin’ but not doin’ as far as the garden goes.
Her big thing is making custom quilts. And shes dam good at it too. Her momma taught her sewing and she has been making and selling quilts for years.


That’s awesome! Would love to see some of her work sometime. It’s a hell of an art.
My mom and sister used to do quilting also my mom’s sister did some amazing work as well.


Just happen to have one on the bed.


That is beautiful @BigMike55 !
She Does Fabulous work!

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Thanks @Bobgrows
This is one that she dont mind putting on the bed with the cat. She has many that are way better than this.


Amazing bro! Absolutely professional quality. Please tell her my wife and I think that it’s beautiful! It must have taken a long time and much talent!

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We were just looking at Ami$h quilts last weekend! That’s a beauty piece of work!

@BigMike55 does she sell them?
If not, she should!
Especially around here!

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For real… We didnt see anything we wanted for less than 5 bills

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We’ve got around 50 hand made quilts all sizes my mom made them for years . I know some she sold were 4/5 hundred also .

A lot of work and time went into most of those .


She has sold easy ones for around 500 in the past. She has also sold a couple for well over $1000.
Material is really expensive now. She will spend a good 40-50 hours making the top then actually quilting it takes another 8-10 hours.
So even if she charged 10 bucks an hour thats $600 before adding material cost.
Then, small designs go together fast, but a really intricate design may have 10-15 pieces per block that has to be sewed and then like 50 blocks for the quilt. You can see where the money adds up.


I am one of those that paid 1/2K for mine. I know how expensive material is. That is why I stopped sewing. (Now I grow instead. Lots cheaper :rofl:)

:green_heart: :seedling:


look at you guys knowledgeably talking about quilts here, when it was just 3d printing a dozen comments ago. what an interesting group of people y’all are! i love it.