Grow journal, chat and giveaways and occasionally art and 3D printing!

Thank you for helping @mainerJ out!
Thank you for joining @mainerJ !


apologize for the smoking question. i just know the people here know! and to find out: that was real easy. gonna be watching a lot more.

1 Like

Amen sister, we are here to prove it :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Yes we are! Not too shabby either, sister! :v::green_heart:


I can see where females could be much better growers than males. Maybe due to the motherly, nurturing instinct??? Maybe because they tend to be more gentle when handling plants???


Maybe nurturing. But I’m brutal on my plants. IMO!

Only the strong survive! Lol :v::green_heart::upside_down_face:


Happy Father’s day to all the Dads! Or the Mom’s who play both rolls.
For Father’s day, since someone was so kind to me on Mother’s day…
I will give out a few packs.
For a multi pack…
Bubba kush
Black &Blue Skunk
Tell me one of your best Dad stories!
To be judged by my daughter. She’s not a kid…43.
I’ll check back at 2.


On holidays in Spain , I gave my son a big tub of bum cream with lid on , to play with to keep him amused while the wife and I got ready to go out for the nite

We heard him cry and came rushing in to find his whole face caked in cream , so thick he couldn’t even open his eyes

I checked his tounge and it was white too
My wife asked me if we should take him to doctors incase he swallowed some
I made a quick decission , scooped some in my hand and swallowed it
" there now we will know , probably just give me the squirts "
My son was cleaned up and fine as we chatted and so out we went
Long story short , I boked in the bushes at the holiday mall and my son ate his and mine ice cream , he obviously didn’t eat any bum cream , smarter than his dad lol

He’s a lot older now lol time really does fly , but I would stil do it in a heart beat , he will always be my baby boy : )

Happy Father’s Day


OK! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
That had her spewing her coffee! Lol
I can see why no one would want to try to beat that !
@ifish you get the packs!:green_heart::v:
Thank you for the story! Loved it!

But, I will offer a second set of seeds…
Bubba Kush
Black and Blue Skunk
Keep the stories coming! :v:


Honestly, I don’t have good memories of my Dad, Unless you enjoy stories of beatings.
Too bad they don’t have a Brother’s Day. I have good stories of my Brother.


My father passed before I was born mom was eight months preggo with me … tbh I have the best step dad you can ask for …He manned up and helped my mother /me when she had nowhere else to go and nothing but her name and me …when I was younger I never batted a eye at the thought… is he my real father… we went camping fishing always engaged in family activities …I can’t remember the day I found out the real story with my dad and him being my stepdad …but it didn’t change my outlook Most respect to my “Father” …
I have always wondered how things would be different if he is proud of the man I have become …

Wow that hit deep


Im in the process of becoming a dad, so no funny stories yet, but I love feeling the kicks and ultrasound pictures are amazing


You were already generous so I don’t want to win a pack that someone else could have, and my story isn’t all that hilarious


I remember when my son was still a babe, I went to change his diaper, and his part was sticking straight up, I was very confused. I called out to my wife, “I think he has a boner?,” as I finished my sentence, I felt a warmth growing on the front of my chest. I looked down, and yup, he was just peeing all over me and straight into the air! I freaked out and tried to put my hands in front of the stream but that just made it go everywhere! My wife heard my anguish, and ran in, but she doubled over with laughter as I turned to her, cupping a handful of pee and looking like I was about to faint.

She still hasn’t let me live that one down :sweat_smile:

Happy father’s day to all the dads, and to all the people who step up into that role, @BigMike55 @Rabeats2093 those who are called to serve and answer, are the truly blessed amongst us. :heartbeat:


@Bobgrows , I was raised in automotive business. By my Pappy , we would build car r nines and making. Welding trucks high-school mechanics body n fender shop ,machine shop. Thanks all overgrowers growyourownhwerbs ,thanks…dibs


Really happy to be gifted these seeds , great Father’s Day present for me , awsome @Bobgrows again thankyou : )


evening all :smiley:
my son has tourettes and when he was 4 years old we were at the local pet store looking at the aquarium
fish when he calmly turned to me and said “FUCKING FISH HEY” 4 years old very sweet looking :astonished:
other parents around nun to impressed :rofl: :rofl:

he is now 19 :smiley:


My daughter is reading the stories. I’ll get back to you …:v:


fathers day story. my first child a girl was born on my birthday. i was there for the delivery and watched her being born. she came out sunny side up, [not the norm] with a smile on her face and hands folded together :pray: most amazing thing i could try and wrap my head around. almost passed out.i was 21 that day. got a bogo one that day best birthday gift in my life making me a father and dad. maybe it was a three fer? i did turn 21 also. woot woot. happy fathers day to all the dads and children :sparkling_heart:


I have no kids of my own, just 4 cats that are basically my kids.
I don’t really have any good stories about my dad… He wasn’t really around in my life much. And has passed on now.
I do remember when I was 6 years old, my dad was drunk and passed out in a comfy couch/chair.
Well…one of our cats went and took a full piss on my dads leg. My dad woke up an called the cats name, then he passed out immediately right after.
My mom and I were laughing pretty hard.

Another funny story, a local store had called my parents and accused me of stealing from their store, and spitting on there windows.
My dad took me down there to apologize to them. When we got there, they said this wasn’t the boy who stole from us. Apparently a bully from the school that had the same first name as me said my name and used my last name when he got caught stealing.
My dad lost his mind on the store owner. It was pretty funny to me cause I knew I was innocent. :rofl:

Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers that do a great job!


Ok @Bobgrows, For a number of years, during Christmas Day, all day, my father would go on a tour by visiting a lot of his friends. And the rule was that he had to, in each household, have a minimum of a shot of any type of spirit, most of the time it would be cachaça, similar to rum, from sugar cane, 40 to 43% alcohol. And, because I used to be one of the most entertaining of his children, he would take me along! Long story short, the arrival back home in the evening was a drunken dad guided by his seven year old son!!
One day I had disappeared in the neighborhood… for hours… Freaked the whole family out!! till I found my way back home on my own! Never told anyone but my dad had taught me the way back home back then…!!! :pray: :hugs: Thanks!! Hope I’m not late!!