Growing autos outdoors

I’ve grown all of my autos outdoors. In general, they do best between June - August, best yield.


These are all outdoor autos. Planted a little before summer solstice. The smallest was 1/2 oz.


They will do fine outdoors… I live in Maine and have done enough auto runs to tell you they will perform great in their natural environment…

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Ya started all mine too late. Still waiting to finish. Hopefully next year. Haven’t grown them indoors yet.

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You shouldn’t have to wait long, mine were done in 63 days. I’ve got 5 more of them indoors right now. I’m an over-waterer so outdoors in The raised beds probably helped me.


Very nice ladies. If i may ask what strains were you running?

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Thank you for your reply.

I have read that they hate to be over fed, and that it is very easy to over feed them. It sounds like you have not found this to be true at all. I’d appreciate further comments or advice about this, brother!


It’s all ReikoX’s Autos from his FAM giveaway. It was a mix of strains he crossed. They were all smelly and have been really good smoke. Really, really good smoke! Ive also ran some Colorado cookies autos from the Vault giveaway and I got 5oz from two plants, and 4 from another and messed up the other two.


Theres a difference between a frequent and steady supply of nutrients and overfeeding.

I have had great success with autos in coco coir medium with a frequent refresh of nutrients at the recommended rates. Using smaller containers allows us to deliver a well adjusted nutrient solution frequently and consistently to the roots of the plant multiple times a day. I have seen a consistent relationship between frequency of irrigation and size of the plant, not just in my setup but others here as well who are also using coco.

Due to the nature of coco, or hydroponics for that matter, it’s fairly easy to keep things dialed in without “overwatering” because there is no media or the media is inert (coco).

In soil, its very easy to overwater, so you usually cant get away with feeding them with fertilizer multiple times a day.

A nice living soil is a bit different again, where food for the plant is constantly being made in the soil itself so you’re not feeding the plant, you’re feeding the soil. A good soil in theory would have a nice consistent supply of nutrients for the plants to pull from. My next round of autos will be testing if a high quality living soil can compete with coco-coir for overall auto size. I think it could definitely give it a run for its money but only time will tell.


Well, my grow this year was a disaster. I grew the most beautiful plants I have ever seen and managed to turn them into the worst weed I have ever grown.

So my advice is to not assume that autos will play by the same rules as photos, and follow directions.

Side note: my SODK auto had a self pollinated seed, and it has grown into a photoperiod plant. Which is good because I still have a chance to avoid a complete failure