Growing outdoors 50°N

This year’s outdoor at 50 degrees north. Potting soil (partly recycled) good enough for 6 weeks. Just previous week I had to start adding N, because leaves were starting to yellow.

Round pots with about 35 litres of soil.

Strain is Bohemia Gold.

I hope it can finish in time and make it before rainy days come and molds will start.

Currently it looks like probably 3rd week of flowering indoors…


They all look really happy. Fingers crossed it goes well!


Nice work on those girls, lookin happy and healthy, hope you have a great harvest!!


Lookin good dude. Whats the lineage on that?


Thanks for comments, guys!

Bohemian Gold is a cross of Blubonic / Ultimate Medicine 13 (70% indica / 30% sativa) from czech breeder @Dr.Smokalot. From what is written on the package it should be outdoor strain suitable for Northern climate. We will see… but I don’t think it is working as expected :slight_smile: … cause it started flowering on the beginning of August…

Official breeder description:

Semi-autoflower genetics guarantees early flowering under 16 hours of daylight. In domestic area it flowers since half of July and reaches full ripeness at the beginning of September. Flowers are compact with plenty of resin, fruity taste and blueberry scent.

But indoors it is pretty respectable…

Photos of Bohemian Gold from my friend:


It looks like it is going to be a close race to the finish!

Is there any way for you to be able to move one or two of your pretty girls indoors (when warranted, move them in and out) or provide some shelter from the unfortunate encroachment of upcoming mold weather?

In any event, the very best of luck to you!

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Nice plants Hydropower, full bodied and green!

What did you use in your soil mix, and are you adding liquid fertilizer?

I’m at 53 degrees north, coastal Holland and typically first flowering signs will show early August on many outdoor varieties. Usually they will be harvestable last week of September or first week of October, mostly that is alright for my area…

Anyway, I hope you get the best of weather and low humidity!
